Prevar Settings

This provides a list of Preceda Variables. Clicking a Prevar leads you to its available settings, positions, options, and descriptions that provide a method for controlling Preceda processes.

To update the settings, sign on to the server and on the command line enter:


Where PRECEDAFxx is the name of your Preceda database library.

The settings are listed in alphabetical order. Use the <Page Up> and <Page Down> keys to scroll through the options.

When changes and additions are made to the file, there is no validation. You must ensure that you count the position very carefully and check the results before allowing users access to the function.

<> Anything between these brackets is a variable and will be replaced to reflect the client's environment.
I Internal application variables (System variables maintained by in house application developers).
E Environment variables
C Client Preferences (Client Maintainable variable)