This Prevar is used to enable or disable the use of approved leave colour extended palette for leave applications.

Position Position Description Default Options/Value
1 This Position enables the user to turn the extended leave colour codes for Approved Leave Types to On or Off.   N or Blank - This disables the use of extended leave colours .
Y - This turns on the colour coding of the approved leave extended palette.



  • The default set-up of Position 1 to 'Y' applies to new Preceda Version 15 Users (i.e. those who upgraded from V14 to V15). Customers who are already in V15 prior to the V15.3.01 upgrade on August 2018 will have their current value still in place.
  • Note that this Prevar is automatically changed through the tick box Use leave approved colour extended paletteon the General Leave Settings window. Ticking the Use leave approved colour extended palette will automatically set *PP_LEAVE_PLANNER to Y, and disabling it will change this setting to N.