This consists of various configuration options for Extractor. To change any of these options please contact your Account Manager.

Maint Position Position Description Default Options/Value
        Various configuration options for Extractor
C 1-5 Interactive CPU Limit The maximum cost of an extract to be allowed to run interactively
Default = 00001
  6-10 Batch CPU Limit The maximum cost of an extract to be allowed to run in batch but not scheduled
Default = 01000
  11-16 Maximum CPU Limit The maximum cost of an extract to be allowed to run. An Extract whose cost is greater than this is prevented from running on the system
Default = 999999
  17 Estimation Method 1 = *OPTIMISER
  18 Data Compression Y or blank - Use Data Compression when creating the package field
        N - Do not compress the package
  19-28 Job Queue Name   The name of an alternative job queue for use when submitting extracts. If left blank, the user's application job queue (PAYUSR) will be used
  29-38 Job Queue Library   Library containing the alternative Job Queue (if one is entered)
  39-50 System Unavailable window Do not allow extracts to be scheduled during this period. The format is hhmmsshhmmss
Default = 220000040000
  51-62 System Peak Use window Do not allow high CPU Extracts (i.e. cost>Batch CPU Limit) to be scheduled during this period. The format is hhmmsshhmmss.
Default = 080000180000
  63-142 User Save to Disk location Default pathname to folder that contains user Saved to disk exports.
Default = C:\Preceda\Export Data
  143-145 Default *PUBLIC access for saved Extracts The defaults for Use (yes), Change (no) and Delete (no) for the *PUBLIC profile which will be set up when saving an Extract.
Default = YNN
  146 Enforce single 1:M file join   Y - Stop the user from using more than a single one to many file join.
      N - Allow all joins
  147 Default Column Headings to use D - Field Descriptions
        N - Field Names
  148-149 Number of Subreports to allow in one report   A two digit number for the total number of Subreports, a user can have within a report
      Default - 05
  150-152 Windows SQL Server Options    
  153-157 Interactive CPU Limit The maximum amount of CPU time an extract can take when running interactively. After this limit is reached, the extract will stop and return the records that have already been extracted. The value is in seconds - a value of zero means that no limit is imposed.
Default = 00000
  158-162 Peak Batch CPU Limit The maximum amount of CPU time an extract can take when running in batch during the peak use window. After this limit is reached, the extract will stop and return the records that have already been extracted. The value is in seconds - a value of zero means no limit is imposed.
Default = 00000
  163-167 Off-Peak Batch CPU Limit

The maximum amount of CPU time an extract can take when running in batch outside the peak use window. After this limit is reached, the extract will stop and return the records that have already been extracted. The value is in seconds - a value of zero means no limit is imposed.


  168 Enable Output to Adobe Acrobat (PDF format)  

Y/N flag that determines if the Output to Adobe Acrobat (PDF) option is available.

        Y or blank - Available
        N = Not Available
  169-171 Reserved for Development    
  172 Enable extracts to be attached to emails generated from a Termination workflows.

F = Freeform or Blank
The Runtime Prompt Type is not displayed and therefore cannot be accessed.
At runtime a parameter window is displayed allowing users to :

  • Add multiple criteria for each field
  • Remove criteria off a field
  • Change the operator
  • Add/Remove Sorting
        G = Guided
The users is presented with the fields that they can enter values for, they cannot change operator, add multiple values or remove a field from the criteria.


This Setting can only be maintained by the Support Team. For inquiries or assistance, please contact Support.