Payrun Dashboard
The Payrun Dashboard screen serves as a summary of information gathered, calculated and summarised during the Payrun process. This process only runs whenever there is an update on the Payrun Status Flag. This can happen during:
- Setting up of the Payrun Header - The Payrun Status will be Time Card Entry.
- Time Card Edit - either the individual process or as part of the One-Step process
- Calculate Pay - either the individual process or as part of the One-Step process
- Update Payrun (i.e. Masterfile Update) - either the individual process or as part of the One-Step process
- Closing a Payrun - The Payrun Dashboard will change the Payrun Status initially to 08, then back to Status blank (No Processes active) when complete.
- Resetting a Payrun - The Payrun Dashboard will change the Payrun Status initially to 09, then back to Payrun Header when complete.
- No Prerequisites
Rules and Guidelines
- When contacting the Support Team for assistance regarding an error in a Payrun, this Status will indicate at what stage the Payrun is in.
- These messages are updated automatically by Preceda as the Payrun progresses.
- Pay slips can only be generated when a Payrun is in the status of Master File Update Complete.
- The payrun requires a window of time when the system is 'locked' for changes that may affect the payrun. The Integration Payrun Lock allows interface components to know when the payrun is locked and delay processing of records until it becomes unlocked. The Integration on this screen is only enabled when Preceda Variable INTEG_QUEUE_MGMT Position 3 is set to Y.
- Once the Integration Status is turned on, the date and time that the Status is last updated as well the Login User Name of the user who updated the Integration Status will be available upon hovering over the information icon.
When running One Step and after the drilldown has closed, all buttons (Update Now, Refresh, Reset Layout, Reset Payrun and Close Payrun) are disabled.
When the Status is "No Payroll Processes are Active", Payrun Dashboard will be greyed out and the links will be disabled. The Dashboard will show the stats from the last pay.
When Payrun has been closed and there are no Payruns in progress, the Status will show from the previous Payrun but the screen will not be interactive (i.e. where the eye icons are not clickable and the screen is read-only).
Field Information

Clicking this button refreshes the Payrun Information.
When the status is No payroll processes are currently active, Payrun Dashboard automatically refreshes.
This button is greyed out when Reset Payrun is clicked.

Clicking this button applies the default Payrun Dashboard layout.

The following is the list of possible Payrun Statuses:
Status | Screen Unlocked? |
Time Card Entry | Yes |
One Step Submitted | No |
Dashboard Refresh Submitted | No |
Payrun Reset Submitted | No |
Time Card Edit Submitted | No |
Time Card Extract/ Print | No |
Autopay/ Pay Calculations | No |
Master File Update | No |
Master File Update Complete | Yes |
Payrun Reset | No |
No Payroll Processes are Active | Yes |
Dashboard Refresh Submitted | No |
Payroll Close - PAYEND Complete | No |

Clicking this button opens a drilldown window for Payrun Header.
This is the same as the actual Payrun Header screen and will update the Payrun Header as if you are on the screen.

This option enables you to run One Step Process Payrun directly from the Payrun Dashboard screen.
Selecting a Template ID opens the One Step in a drilldown window, allowing you to easily run the process.

Clicking this button updates/refreshes the Payrun Information.
Only when the status is in Master File Update complete is the Update Now button enabled.
This button is greyed out when Reset Payrun is clicked.
Hovering over this button shows the time and date for the last generation of details on this screen.

This button is disabled when the payrun status is Time Card Entry.
Clicking this button to run the process will disable the Update Now, Refresh.
When clicked, a pop-up screen will appear providing Users with an option to input a reason for why the reset is being performed, and an indication on the number of corrections that need to be handled. Please note that entering a Reset Reason is an optional step.
The information entered into this pop-up screen will then be available via Extractor under Payroll > Reports > Payrun Extract > Payrun Reset History.

This field is where the reset reason will be entered. It supports up to a maximum of 100 characters.

This field accepts blank, 0, or any positive number less than 9999.

This button is greyed out when Reset Payrun is clicked.

The Integration is only enabled when Preceda Variable INTEG_QUEUE_MGMT Position 3 is set to Y.
Once this is turned on, the date and time that the Status is last updated as well the Login User Name of the user who updated the Integration Status will be available upon hovering over the information icon.
Hovering over this field shows the user who has opened or closed the payrun as well as the time and date it has been performed.

This displays the Overall Progress that indicates the "health" of your data. It gives you the overall percentage of the solved/ unsolved issues on your data as shown on the System Health Check screen.
Likewise, this is a button that directs you to the System Health Check screen.
The System Health Check will be green if it is equal to or more than 80%. If it is less than 80%, this will be orange.
This section is composed of collapsible/expandable containers or group boxes.

Details here are based on the Payrun Header.

This indicates the user who:
- Last ran the pay; or
- Set the Header; or
- When there was an upgrade, you may see a number which is the Preceda user that has regenerated the stats as part of the upgrade.

This indicates the Payrun Environment currently processed.

This indicates the Payrun Group currently processed.

The shows the type of payrun: Normal On-Cycle or Off-Cycle.

This shows the Pay Frequency/ies processed in the payrun (e.g. Weekly, Monthly, Fortnightly).

This specifies the date the employees will be paid up to.

This is the date the employees will receive their pay.

This indicates the date that the super will be calculated on.

This Group Box displays the Gross, Tax and Net by pay slip.
This is only refreshed once when the One Step Process is run.
This should match back to the PAY54PRT.

These are the "extra" Pay slips on EVSS,

This displays the Tax value of all transactions from the Payrun file where Pay Separator is blank.

This displays the Net value of all transactions from the Payrun file where Pay Separator is blank.

This displays the Gross value of all transactions from the Payrun file where Pay Separator is blank.

This displays the Tax value of all transactions from the Payrun file where Pay Separator and Status is not blank.

This displays the Net value of all transactions from the Payrun file where Pay Separator and Status is not blank.

This displays the Gross value of all transactions from the Payrun file where Pay Separator is >= 'N' and <= 'Z' and Status is blank.

This displays the Tax value of all transactions from the Payrun file where Pay Separator is >= 'N' and <= 'Z' and Status is blank.

This displays the Net value of all transactions from the Payrun file where Pay Separator is >= 'N' and <= 'Z' and Status is blank.

This displays the Gross value of all transactions from the Payrun file where Pay Separator is >= 'A' and <= 'M' and Status is blank.

This displays the Tax value of all transactions from the Payrun file where Pay Separator is >= 'A' and <= 'M' and Status is blank.

This displays the Net value of all transactions from the Payrun file where Pay Separator is >= 'A' and <= 'M' and Status is blank.

This displays the Gross value of all transactions from the Payrun file where the Status is blank.

This displays the Tax value of all transactions from the Payrun file where the Status is blank.

This displays the Net value of all transactions from the Payrun file where the Status is blank.

This is the information that will be written into the SAFF file.

This is the total count with A/D Type of Super - (EC) Employer Contributions and (SG) Super - SG Contributions.

This is the total count with A/D Type of (SS) Super - Salary Sacrifice.

This is the total count with A/D Type of Super - After Tax Deduction (MV or SP).

This displays the number of New Hires receiving their first pay during this payrun.

This displays the number of employees terminated during the payrun.

This displays the count of any record that is in Termination Wizard as 'H' or 'A' and also Express Pay that has not been released.

This displays the count of paid employees which are: New Hires, Active, Terminated, and Prior Version.

This is the count of employees who received pay of allowances only and no Hours Type Codes, or a Public Holiday only.

This is the count of employees expected to get paid but will not receive any pay. An example is an employee with negative Net pay.

This is the gross variance value that is relevant for your each payrun group. This has been configured in Payrun Register and Payrun Header screen.

This is the gross variance value that is relevant for your each payrun group. This has been configured in Payrun Register and Payrun Header screen.

This is the count of any deduction that has been dropped. This information can also be found on the PAY42DRP.

This Group Box consolidates errors from 18 reports, which are sorted by Groups (e.g. Masterfile, Payrun, Terminations) and Severity (Errors, Warnings, Information).
Clicking the download button downloads a csv file containing all messages as displayed on this Message Group Box.
Clicking any number/count (except 0) in this Message Group Box directs you to the Payrun Messages screen with the filtered list based on the count (Group-Severity) clicked.
These are clickable if they are not 0 and will take you to the Payrun Messages screen.

This indicates if the message is High, Medium or Low in severity.

This displays the count of all messages with a Message Group Code of Exceptions and severity of 30(high).

This displays the count of all messages with a Message Group Code of Exceptions and severity of 20(medium).

This displays the count of all messages with a Message Group Code of Exceptions and severity of 10(low).

This displays the count of all messages with a Message Group Code of Masterfile and severity of 30(high).

This displays the count of all messages with a Message Group Code of Masterfile and severity of 20(medium).

This displays the count of all messages with a Message Group Code of Masterfile and severity of 10(low).

This displays the count of all messages with a Message Group Code of Payrun and severity of 30(high).

This displays the count of all messages with a Message Group Code of Payrun and severity of 20 (medium).

This displays the count of all messages with a Message Group Code of Payrun and severity of 10 (low).

This displays the count of all messages with a Message Group Code of Leave and severity of 30(high).

This displays the count of all messages with a Message Group Code of Leave and severity of 20(medium).

This displays the count of all messages with a Message Group Code of Leave and severity of 10(low).

This displays the count of all messages with a Message Group Code of STP and severity of 30(high).

This displays the count of all messages with a Message Group Code of STP and severity of 20(medium).

This displays the count of all messages with a Message Group Code of STP and severity of 10(low).

This displays the count of all messages with a Message Group Code of Super and severity of 30(high).

This displays the count of all messages with a Message Group Code of Super and severity of 20(medium).

This displays the count of all messages with a Message Group Code of Super and severity of 10(low).

This displays the count of all messages with a Message Group Code of Statutory and severity of 30(high).

This displays the count of all messages with a Message Group Code of Statutory and severity of 20(medium).

This displays the count of all messages with a Message Group Code of Statutory and severity of 10(low).

This displays the count of all messages with a Message Group Code of Termination and severity of 30(high).

This displays the count of all messages with a Message Group Code of Termination and severity of 20(medium).

This displays the count of all messages with a Message Group Code of Termination and severity of 10(low).

This displays the total count of all high messages.

This displays the total count of all medium messages.

This displays the total count of all low messages.

This Group Box will display the list of reports that were configured and ticked to be reviewable and/or downloadable via the Payrun Register screen.
The users have the option to override the tick box for download preferences. Furthermore, clicking the download icon will download the reports in a zip file.
Users can also click on the superseded version button to access earlier versions of reports from this payrun; prior to Payrun Resets being performed.

This displays the number of New Hires receiving their first pay during this payrun.

This displays the number of employees terminated during the payrun.

This displays the count of any record that is in Termination Wizard as 'H' or 'A' and also Express Pay that has not been released.

This displays the count of paid employees which are: New Hires, Active, Terminated, and Prior Version.

This is the count of employees who received pay of allowances only and no Hours Type Codes, or a Public Holiday only.

This is the count of employees expected to get paid but will not receive any pay. An example is an employee with negative Net pay.

This is the Gross Variance Value 1 sourced from the Payrun Header, which is used for the below statistic

This statistic provides a count of employees with a variance in their gross pay amount between the current pay and the last pay which is greater than Gross Variance Value 1 and up to/including Gross Variance Value 2.

This is the Gross Variance Value 2 sourced from the Payrun Header, which is used for the below statistic.

This statistic provides a count of employees with a variance in their gross pay amount between the current pay and the last pay which is greater than Gross Variance Value 2.

This is the count of any deduction that has been dropped. This information can also be found on the PAY42DRP.

This is the total count of employees who have been dropped in the pay and not paid.

This is the total count of employees suspended and who are not paid. Suspended and Dropped are also shown on the PAY38ERR report.

This is the count of any employee where the paid hours is not equal to the Auto paid hours in Masterfile.
If a total count is displayed, you may click on the eye icon to direct you to the Entry via Single Screen.

This is the count of employees hired in Prior Pay Period and not yet paid (i.e. Last Pay Period End Date is a day prior to the Start Date of the Current Pay Period End Date).

This counts employees hired in this pay (i.e. current pay with Start Date in line with the Header) and who have not received a pay.

This counts employees hired after this Pay Period (i.e. Paid Up to Date is blank and Hire Date > Current Pay Period End Date).

This displays the count of employees with incorrect Payrun Group/ Pay Frequency.

This displays the count of employees with Timecard entries and autopaid hours in the Payrun.

This displays the count of employees with: (1) No prior pay (i.e. this is the first pay for the employee) AND (2) Auto paid or transactions expected to be processed during Payrun.

A total count is displayed when there is an incorrect version used on a terminated (T) or reinstated (R) employee on Entry via Single Screen or Retro Entry via Single Screen.
If a total count is displayed, you may click on the eye icon to direct you to the Entry via Single Screen.

The displays the count of Active employees which Paid Up to Date is before the Last Pay Period End Date (i.e. Status is A AND Paid Up to date < last Pay Period End Date; where Last Pay Period End Date is a day prior to the Start Date of the Current Pay Period End Date).

This displays the count of Active employees which Paid Up to Date is within the Current Pay Period (i.e. Status is A AND Paid Up to date >= Start Date AND Paid Up To Date <= Period End date).

This displays the count of Active employees which Paid Up to Date is after Pay Period End Date (i.e. Status is A AND Paid Up to date > Current Pay Period End Date).

This displays the count of Active employee who are not autopaid with no timecards (i.e. Status = 'A' AND Autopay = 'N', AND has no timecard entries).

The total count is displayed if there is a change on Bank Details screen of the same Payrun Header Period Start and End Date.
If a total count is displayed, you may click on the eye icon to direct you to the Bank Details screen with the list of employees.
This is a count on the employee; while the employee may have 2 bank changes, the count will only be 1.

The total count is displayed if there is an unprocessed transaction of Express Payment or unprocessed transactions with H or A on the Termination Wizard.
If a total count is displayed, you may click on the eye icon to direct you to the Release Express Payment screen. If the number that you expect to see is not on the Release Express Payment screen, this will also count any Employees that are in the Termination Wizard and have a Status of A or H, or are on the Release Other Payments screen.

This section is only available if Preceda Variable *ANNSAL = Y.

This displays the count of identified employees configured for Annualised Salaries for the Payrun selected.
This jumps to Time Details filtered to those affected employees.

This displays the count of employees who are identified to be needing a reconciliation to be run.
Outer Limits Employees are due annually (i.e. 12 months after the Annualised Salary Review Start Date on the Significant Dates screen plus 1 day).
Common Law Set Off employees are due each period (i.e. 1 Payroll Period after the Annualised Salary Review Start Date on the Significant Dates screen plus 1 day).
Employees are not considered due if the user has run the payment wizard in Process mode for that period of time.
This jumps to Annualised Salary Reconciliation Calculation Wizard screen.

An employee is considered ready for reconciliation when they are due and when the employees' time posted data range and payroll posted data range are aligned (i.e. meaning when the same amount of data from Time and Payroll is in history for comparison). They are not considered ready if the user has run the payment wizard in Process mode for that period of time (i.e. meaning they have already actioned the ready employee).
This jumps to Annualised Salary Reconciliation Payment Wizard screen.

This displays the count of employees identified who are on a path to needing an ANNUAL top up payment.
If a total count is displayed, you may click on the eye icon to jump to Time Editor filtered to those affected employees.

This displays the count of employees who have been paid an ANNUAL top up in this payrun.
If a total count is displayed, you may click on the eye icon to direct you to the Entry via Single Screen filtered to those affected employees.

This displays the total $ ANNUAL T= Top Up paid in the Payrun.

This displays the count of employees who have PTD Earnings History (i.e. any of the PTD figures: Total Earnings, Gross, Tax, Net and Employee Super with value).

This displays the count of employees who have at least an entry on PTD Hours.

This displays the count of employees who have at least an entry on PTD Allow/Deduct.

This is set to Yes if there is at least a record in the PTD Reconciliation file.
This can be verified by processing the Reconciliation PTD Report.

This is set to Yes if there is at least a record in the PTD Costing File.
This can be verified by processing the Costing PTD Report.