Time Details
This screen allows you to setup and maintain specific TIME information for an employee to link the employee to the Preceda TIME module. An employee must be specified before TIME information is applied.
- Pay Period Rules
- Daily Rules
- Configuration - Using Badges field
- Time User Code Descriptions
- Time Monitor Rules
- Restriction Codes
- Industrial Agreement Setup
Rules and Guidelines
- This window is also available as a non-mandatory part of the Hire workflow in Preceda People.
Employee ID must be numeric. No alpha character should be used for a TIME employee.
- The time clocks that the employee is allowed to use to punch times are found at the lower part of this window. If no time clocks are specified, it is assumed that the employee can punch at any clock.
- Any employee who has a past, current, or future record is displayed on the search results list. When an employee does not have a current record, fields such as Pay Period Rule, Daily Rule, Badge, etc are displayed as 'blank' and will only be populated when viewing a date when the record is/ was current.
- An employee must be selected before the time details are applied.
- Employee Time Details along with any Primary Schedules associated with the employee can be removed by selecting the employee, then selecting Delete Record.
- For Effective Dating, the values are attached to a unique period of time to create a unique costing effective dated record.
An "Effective Date" or "as of date" is the date when something is considered to take effect. This may be different from the date upon which the event actually occurred or has been recorded.
- The Effective Date field on the Toolbar allows you to view and select effective dated records available.
Clicking Change on the Toolbar allows you to update/ edit the information on this screen, with the current values being displayed.
A second level of Toolbar will be made available once Change has been selected. The From and To fields allow you to setup the new effective dated record via Date Picker. Setup the start date of the effective record using From while determine the date the record will become inactive using To. You may identify the reason of updating the effective dated record via Change Reason.
To create a new record, click Change, and the second level Toolbar will be displayed with the From date field automatically populated with the date the system first had the Time Details setup in Preceda for the employee (this may not be the actual date that the employee has been on the record) and the To date field with '31/12/9999' (or if future records exist, next record From date - 1 day) displayed as read-only (Effective Dating 1). If the record being looked at is a past or future record, it will default to that record set From and To dates.
When editing Hire Date on Significant Dates screen, the Effective Date From date will be updated to the new Hire Date.
You may create a new future effective record by modifying the date in the From date picker to a date in the future, and changing the information in the form (Effective Dating 2).
It is not possible to create a new effective dated record prior to the employee Hire Date.
- All fields on the this screen will become active and apply at the Start Date; however, the pay period rule that is effective at the pay period's End Date will be applied to the whole pay period (i.e. in relation to the Pay Period Rule which cannot be pro-rated).
If the pay period is from '14/03/2016' to '27/03/2016' and new Daily and Pay Period rules had been added with a from date of '18/03/2016', the Daily Rule will be applied to daily transactions from the 18th but the Pay Period rule that became active on the 18th will be applied to the whole pay period ('14th' to '27/03/2016'). This will be the same for both the current pay period and any retrospective calculations.
When a Daily Rule is retrospectively applied to the current pay period (e.g. Pay Period is '14/03/2016' to '27/03/2016' and the change to the Daily Rule was made on the 20th but dated '14/03/2016'), any transactions already interpreted would be automatically re-interpreted with the new Daily Rule.
- If any data was changed part way through a period, and has a from date where data has already been entered by any means (e.g. Time Editor, ESS, etc), then this will be applied to the data already in Preceda.
If the pay period is from '14/03/2016' to '27/03/2016' and new Daily and Pay Period rules had been added with a from date of '14/03/2016' was keyed in on the 18th, then the rules already in Preceda from the 14th to the 17th would be re-interpreted when the next lot of data was entered or if the Pay Period Recalculation process is run for the current period.
Where existing files have Effective Dating added, the Effective Date will not be Mandatory in the Mapper Upload. This is to allow existing customers, with interfaces already in place, to continue to use the system without having to make changes to their interfaces.
- Click Effective Dating for more information on the effective dating functionality.
An "empty" Time Editor Prior Period record has been added so that retrospective times can be entered and to allow retrospective calculation for any Prior Period Time records of the employee. This is created on the Time Editor when:
- Preceda Variable *PRECEDATIME_RETRO = Y;
- Preceda Variable *PRECEDATIME_REALIGN is not set to Y;
- There is only one Time Details Record existing; AND
- There is no Posted Time Editor or Allowances record existing for the employee
Once created, the Prior Retro Period cannot be removed. The blank entries can be seen on the Time Editor date picker. This is to cater for employees who are hired with a date in the past.
Field Information

This is an optional field that allows you to link an Industrial Agreement to an employee Time Details record. Choose from a list of Industrial Agreements, previously set up with Consultants via the Industrial Agreement Setup screen.
Once an Industrial Agreement is selected, the corresponding Daily Rule and Pay Period Rule will be populated for the employee accordingly. If there are existing Daily Rule and Pay Period Rule for this employee's Time Details record, they will be replaced with the auto-populated pair. The rules cannot be modified or deleted from this screen when the Industrial Agreement is in place. The linkage between the Industrial Agreement, Daily Rule and Pay Period Rule is also set up via the Industrial Agreement Setup screen.
Only when an Annualised Award type of Industrial Agreement is selected, will the sections Annualised Salary Conditions and Significant Dates as at be displayed.
If there exists a prior record for the employee on Annualised Award type of Industrial Agreement, when you put the employee back to this Instrument Type, not necessarily the same Industrial Agreement, the sections Annualised Salary Conditions and Significant Dates as at will be populated with values saved with the latest employee Time Details record on Annualised Award.

This displays the list of all Salary Codes associated to the selected Industrial Agreement.
This field is mandatory if the Industrial Agreement field is A (Annualised Award) where the latest effective end date is not prior to the start date of the Time Details record.
A Modern Award Rate cannot be selected if it has an effective end date prior to the start of the Time Details record.
A retro will be flagged if this field has been changed.

This field allows for a comparison using the award hourly rate if you do not want to use the employee's base hourly rate on the Salary screen. You can specify the award hourly rate for comparison to be used in Annual Reconciliation.
If this field is left blank, the system will use the base hourly rate from the Salary screen.
This is an optional field for employees on Annualised Awards.
A retro will be flagged if this field has been changed.

Choose between Outer Limit and Common Law Set Off.
Selecting the Outer Limit option enables and makes the fields Ordinary Penalty Hours Outer Limit and Overtime Hours Outer Limit mandatory.
Values must be set in line with the Pay Frequency as specified in the Pay Period Rule.
Selecting Common Law Set Off option disables the two fields Ordinary Penalty Hours Outer Limit and Overtime Hours Outer Limit.
- When Common Law Set Off is selected, previous entries (if any) in Ordinary Penalty Hours Outer Limit and Overtime Hours Outer Limit are retained but greyed out.
- When Outer Limit is re-selected either before or after saving the changes, the latest record with Ordinary Penalty Hours Outer Limit and Overtime Hours Outer Limit is retrieved and displayed.

This field is mandatory for employees on Annualised Awards AND when Assessment Type = Outer Limit.
The value in this field cannot be negative.
This option is not applicable when Assessment Type = Common Law Set Off.

This field is mandatory for employees on Annualised Awards AND when Assessment Type = Outer Limit.
The value in this field cannot be negative.
This option is not applicable when Assessment Type = Common Law Set Off.

You can specify which of the following is/are included as part of the Annualised Salary dictated by the Industrial Agreement (i.e. Minimum Weekly Wages, Allowances, Overtime Penalty Rate, Weekend and Other Penalty Rates, and/or Annual Leave Loading).

This field is mandatory if the Industrial Agreement field is A (Annualised Award) where the latest effective end date is not prior to the start date of the Time Details record.
A retro will be flagged if this field has been changed.

This field is mandatory if the Industrial Agreement field is A (Annualised Award) where the latest effective end date is not prior to the start date of the Time Details record.

Select from the list of Time Codes (i.e. Monetary Time Codes mapped to payroll as an Allowance type Time Code).
This field is mandatory for employees on Annualised Awards.

This field displays the commencement date of an Annualised Award type of agreement for this employee. The value will be used to calculate the Annualised Salaries annual review due date, which should happen every 12 months since the commencement date, according to Fair Work's requirement.
This field is maintained only via Significant Dates screen.

This displays the standard pay Period Rule to apply to this employee. To change an item in this field:
- Set the End Date of the current record.
- Click the 'Clone' option.
- Make the adjustments and then 'Save' the record.
When the Pay Period Rule is changed, it will update the Time Editor screen for the effective dated record.
This field cannot be modified or deleted from this screen when an Industrial Agreement is in place. When there is a genuine need to modify the Pay Period Rule linked to this Industrial Agreement:
- Go to Industrial Agreement Setup screen;
- Clone the Industrial Agreement of interest;
- Select a new Pay Period Rule and Save as a new Industrial Agreement; and
- Then link the new agreement to the employee.
- Please engage your Account Executive or Preceda Consultant for the correct configuration.

This displays the standard Daily Rule to apply to this employee. To change an item in this field:
- Set the End Date of the current record.
- Click the 'Clone' option.
- Make the adjustments and then 'Save' the record.
When the Daily Rule is changed, it will not auto populate the Time Editor screen.
This field cannot be modified or deleted from this screen when an Industrial Agreement is in place. When there is a genuine need to modify the Daily Rule linked to this Industrial Agreement:
- Go to Industrial Agreement Setup screen;
- Clone the Industrial Agreement of interest;
- Select a new Daily Rule and Save as a new Industrial Agreement; and
- Then link the new agreement to the employee.
- Please engage your Account Executive or Preceda Consultant for the correct configuration.

This defines if the employee usually punches in and out for meals and breaks, or only at the beginning and end of a shift.
Option | Description |
Ticked | The employee will punch in and out for meals and breaks. Do not automatically deduct time for meals or breaks. |
Unticked | Automatic meal and break deductions are used as specified in the Daily Rules. |
- If the employee punches for meals and breaks, the Daily Rule determines if a meal or break deduction is made.

This displays the employee's badge number.
- If using badges, each current employee must have a unique badge number (i.e. this is a numeric only field).
- The time clocks use this number to link an employee to their punches, so if an employee is clocking but not using badge numbers, this field should be the employee's ID Number.
- This field becomes mandatory if the Using Badges field is set to Y on the Configuration screen.

This displays the schedule to be applied to this employee.
- The Schedule, Pay Period Rules and Daily Rule together determine methods of rounding and grace periods for the employee.

This is an optional feature that may be used to prevent employees from punching at unauthorised times.
- The restriction record controls how Preceda processes each punch, whether it accepts the punch and to which roster to apply it against.

This defines if the defined schedule is rolled forward during the Pay Period Processing.
Code | Description |
N | Do not roll any primary roster information forward. |
T | Roll Roster Transfers IN ADDITION to the primary roster. |
Y | Roll ONLY the primary roster forward. |

This displays the number of days to roll schedules forward.
- The number of days must be equal to or greater than, the number of days in the employee's pay period.

This displays the group that is to be the default Group for the employee.
- The Group Code may be used as a criterion or various other processes within Preceda Time, e.g. to be used to select which employees to be passed to Payroll, etc.

This displays the Shift Code required.
- This can be used for reporting or interface purposes.
- This code can be used as an extra means of categorising employees for reports and other processes in Preceda Time.
- e.g. Can be used for reporting or interface purposes.
- This code can be used as an extra means of categorising employees for reports and other processes in Preceda Time.

This displays the Ttiime zZone in which the employee is located.
This field is used by the Scheduled Not Clocked in report.
Code | Description |
21 | Western Australia, Northern Territory and South Australia |
22 | Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, ACT and Tasmania |
23 | New Zealand |

The Default Elapsed Hours Start Time will populate the "Start Time" field on the Elapsed Time Entry window when using that function. It may be left blank as it is not a mandatory field. If left blank, when using the Elapsed Time Entry window you will need to enter a Start Time.

This links the employee to a Time Monitor Rule.
- These rules are used to assist in the monitoring of the number of hours an employee works over a specified number of pay periods and measure the results against a given number of base hours.
- When the Time Monitor Update or the Time Monitor option in Daily Processing is run, reports are produced to assist with the scheduling of work hours for employees.

This holds the date on which the first day of the employee's Time Monitor or Rule cycle is based.
- When the Time Monitor Update process is run, this date is used to locate the date on which the employee's pay cycle started.
- If this date does not coincide with the start date of a pay period, the first period is calculated on the date the cycle falls.
- Reports will include the hours for the whole pay cycle.

Level Codes 1 to 7 represent the User-defined Level Codes that are used in setting the default costing structure for the employee. The value for these fields will be codes that have been setup in the Time User Codes.
Any or all of these seven Time User Codes can be mapped to any of the following Costing Levels within Preceda: Level Codes 1 to 5, Labour Cost Codes, Account, Department, Salary Code.
The Time User Codes are incorporated into the reporting and processing structure (e.g. for use in costing segments of Time on the Time Editor screen).

If a Time User Code is mapped to another Costing Level within Preceda, then the default value will be maintained via the relevant Preceda screen and stored in the relevant Preceda file. The values in the Time User Code Costing will then be read-only.
The mapping configuration, including Time User Code labels, is defined and controlled by the Time User Code Mappings screen.
Where the Costings are mapped to Time, Extractor fields 1-7 will be displayed with the values from the Time Details Master Record.
Where the Costings are Mapped to Time, any Mapper record with a value for that Time User Code will result in an error with the error message "Invalid Value for Time User Code ".

This As At displays the appropriate date according to the Information Icon: Past, Current, Future.
The Information Icon at the top section of the Time User Code Costing group box stores information on the effective date of the mapped Time User Codes. The following note is displayed depending on the effective date of the Time Details record:
- PAST Time Details record: "Effective as of End Date of Time Details Record"
- CURRENT Time Details record: "Effective as of Today"
- FUTURE Time Details record: "Effective as of Start Date of Time Details Record"

If Time User Code is NOT mapped to another Costing Level within Preceda, then the default value will be maintained on this screen and stored in the Preceda Time Employee Master File. Likewise, the Time User Code Costing fields will be editable and the field labels are sourced from the Level Code Descriptions window.
The employee's default Time User Code value can be selected/ edited from a valid list of Time User Codes. The effective date of the default values will be that of the Time Details record.
Where Time User Codes are not Mapped to Costing Levels, the fields are available in Extractor under Time Details.
Where the Costings are not Mapped to Time , Mapper T000112 can import the Costings 1-7.

Identify the Time Clocks that the employee is allowed to use to punch times.
If no Time Clocks are specified, it is assumed that the employee can punch in and out at any clock.
There are up to 10 Time Clocks that the employee is allowed to punch times.
- Wild Cards can be used to extend the number of clocks that an employee can punch times.
- An asterisk (*) is used as the wild card.
If CL* is entered, the employee can punch times at any clock that has been identified as starting with CL.
If *123 is entered, the employee can punch times at any clock that has been identified as ending with 123.
If * is entered, the employee is assigned to all possible clocks.

This section will only be displayed if the Industrial Agreement selected is an Annualised Award.
For more information on this section and to see the list of fields available, kindly refer to the section Time Interpreter Configuration > Industrial Agreement drop-down.

This section will only be displayed if the Industrial Agreement selected is an Annualised Award.
For more information on this section and to see the list of fields available, kindly refer to the section Time Interpreter Configuration > Industrial Agreement drop-down.