PTD/YTD Allow/Deduct
This window provides details about the Allowances and Deductions paid to an employee during the financial year. The values may be included in the calculation of the year to date values shown on the YTD Gross, Tax & Net window.
Rules and Guidelines
- The Year to Date hours are automatically maintained by the Payrun.
- When first establishing employee data or when a system error occurs, this window is used to correct data.
- When an employee is selected, all Year to Date and Period to Date units and values for the Allowances and Deductions linked to this employee are displayed.
- Details of the Year to Date Allowances and Deduction values used can be viewed from the table or drilled down on the record.
- Year to Date records for an Hours Type Code linked to an employee cannot be deleted.
Preceda Variable *PAYSLIP_BENEFITS controls the display of the three columns ATD Units, Amount to Date, and Opening Balancing on this screen.
Field Information

This displays the Allowance/Deduction that has been included in the employee's pay for the year to date. For each Allowance/Deduction listed, its relevant code, description, tax type, and classification type are also displayed.

This shows whether the Allowance/ Deduction is Before Tax or After Tax.

This displays if the select entry is an Allowance or a Deduction.

The total number of Allowance/Deduction units accumulated for the employee for the period to date.
This value can be reset when the Period End (Month End) reports are run.

This is the Allowance/Deduction value accumulated for the employee for the period to date.
This value can be reset when the Period End (Month End) reports are run.

This is the total number of Allowance/Deduction units accumulated for the employee for the financial year to date.
This value can be reset when the Close Year Endprocess is run.

This contains the Allowance/Deduction value accumulated for the employee for the financial year to date.
This value can be reset when the Close Year End process is run.
If the YTD Amount for this code has already been "split" into more than one previous financial year (i.e. split over multiple financial years on the drilldown window), then the YTD Amount cannot be maintained here. Instead, this figure will need to be maintained via the drilldown window.

This is the total value deducted to date for loans to employees where the fixed total amount is to be repaid.

This is the total number of Allowance/Deduction units accumulated for the employee for the Amount to date.
This column is only available when Preceda Variable *PAYSLIP_BENEFITS is set to Y.

This is the Allowance/Deduction value accumulated for the employee for the amount to date.
This column is only available when Preceda Variable *PAYSLIP_BENEFITS is set to Y.

This allows you to record the Opening Balance.
This column is only available when Preceda Variable *PAYSLIP_BENEFITS is set to Y.

This displays the Allowance/Deduction that has been included in the employee's pay for the year to date. For each Allowance/Deduction listed, its relevant code, description, tax type, and classification type are also displayed.

This displays if the select entry is an Allowance or a Deduction.

This shows whether the Allowance/ Deduction is Before Tax or After Tax.

This is the total value deducted to date for loans to employees where the fixed total amount is to be repaid.

The total number of Allowance/Deduction units accumulated for the employee for the period to date.
This value can be reset when the Period End (Month End) reports are run.

This is the Allowance/Deduction value accumulated for the employee for the period to date.
This value can be reset when the Period End (Month End) reports are run.

This is the total number of Allowance/Deduction units accumulated for the employee for the financial year to date.
This value can be reset when the Close Year Endprocess is run.

This contains the Allowance/Deduction value accumulated for the employee for the financial year to date.
This value can be reset when the Close Year End process is run.

This drilldown window is only displayed for Lump Sum E (i.e. Year End Print Flag = 6 and STP Payment Type = LSE).
You may split the YTD Amount over multiple Financial Years via this drilldown window.

This contains the Allowance/Deduction value accumulated for the employee for the financial year to date.
This value can be reset when the Close Year End process is run.
The total of YTD Amount field column must equal the YTD Amount total.
If the YTD Amount for this code has already been "split" into more than one previous financial year (i.e. split over multiple financial years on the drilldown window), then the YTD Amount can only be maintained via this drilldown window.

The value here must be prior to the current Financial Year and within the last seven Financial Years.