Payrun Header
The Payrun Header contains essential information about the Payrun to be processed. This must be established before entering time sheet details.
Rules and Guidelines
- If date entry has been made on the Date Processing Criteria window, a warning message may display on this screen when the record is saved informing that one or more dates entered are in advance of the set parameters.
- Period End Date rules apply based from the configurations on PAY34 and PAY38.
The processing of Standard Allowances/ Deductions for an off-cycle payrun where the Period End Date is the same with the employee's Paid Up To Date is possible when Position 24 of Program Controls PAY34 and PAY38 is set to N.
- Super Payment Date rules apply regarding the setup of PAY29.
- Changing the details on the Payrun Header after Time Entry has been entered or in progress could have significant impact on the selection of time entry records to be processed, particularly if the Payrun Group or Pay Frequency have changed.
- If SGC Rules apply to any employees within this payrun, the Superannuation value will be calculated as part of this process, taking into account the calendar month.
- There are a number of different scenarios based on the Standard A/D and Standard Non-Contributor Super fields.
Standard A/D Yes Standard Non-Contributory Super Yes Standard Allowances and Deductions will be calculated alongside any non-contributory superannuation calculations.
Standard A/D No Standard Non-Contributory Super Yes Standard allowances and deductions will NOT be calculated; however, any non-contributory superannuation calculations will occur.
Standard A/D Yes Standard Non-Contributory Super No Standard Allowances and Deductions will be calculated; however, any non-contributory superannuation calculations will NOT occur during this payrun.
Standard A/D No Standard Non-Contributory Super No No calculations for either Allowance and Deduction or Superannuation will be processed in the payrun.
- Data extracted from Bank Credit Report, and Bank Deposit Slips reports are retrieved based on the Payment Date on the Payrun Header. This date can be modified by the user (if required) but is not recommended.
The Auto Pay, Standard A/D, Non-Contributory Super, Prior Period Hire, and Update Occ Super fields will be set based on the values defined on Payrun Register for an active Payrun Environment should the Payrun Type is N. If there is no active environment, or the Payrun Type is O with an active environment, the same values from the previous run will be used. Where no previous runs exist, the fields will be left blank, and will require the entry of data.
- If you are working in a PEX-enabled database (i.e. Prevar *PP_EXCHANGE Position 1= Y), Payrun Header will not allow you to save a record unless a record exists in the PEX Payroll Calendar reference table.
Field Information

Select from the drop-down the Payrun Group to be processed.
This field will be auto-populated with the value from the Payrun Register screen if you are in an Environment.

This field allows you to set and distinguish a Normal On-Cycle (N) pay period from an Off-Cycle (O) payrun.
The default value for this field is N.
In case you need to pay employees more than once for the same date range but since the Paid Up To Date is locked and uneditable once an employee is paid, you can process an Off-cycle payrun.
Just like a Normal payrun, an Off-cycle payrun will produce a full suite of reports and payslips upon payrun closure. This will also allow employees to complete bonus and commission runs and year-end payrun where the financials are required to be included in the current period end and financial year-end reporting.
Off-cycle defaults some of the prompts (i.e. Auto Pay is defaulted to N, Standard A/Ds is defaulted to N, etc.).
Where an employee's Paid Up To Date is equal to or in advance of Payrun Header's Pay Period End, Program Control PAY34 Position 24 determines if the employee will get paid or not.
Note that the Off-cycle payrun differs from Express Pay and Express Termination Pay functionality as the financials associated with these will fall into the next Normal payrun which is often the next month.

- Up to three Pay Frequencies can be included in this payrun.
- At least one Pay Frequency must be populated.
- Only employees who match the Pay Frequency and the Payrun Group are included in the payrun.
- Any combinations of frequency and group can be entered, provided that their Period End Dates are the same.
- If the Pay Period End Date does not match, the Pro-Rata Dates are used.
These fields will be auto-populated with the values from the Payrun Register screen if in an Environment.

Specify the date until when the employees will be paid up to.
- For a Normal On-Cycle Payrun, employees are only paid if their Paid Up to Date is less than the Period End Date.
- This is controlled by Program Control PAY34 Position 24.
- If Program Control PAY38 Position 37 is set to Y, it is possible to pay employees' selected Hours Type Codes and Allowance/Deduction Codes regardless of their Paid Up to Date.
Period End Date is used to find the effective rate on A/D codes except where the A/D code is a % Based Super Liability Code.

Classification | Year End Print Flag | Allow/Deduct Type |
Q | 0 | Blank |
Q | 0 | EC |
Q | 0 | SG |
Q | 0 | SUPR |
S | 0 | Blank |
S | 0 | EC |
S | 0 | SG |
S | 0 | SUPR |

This field pertains to the week number of the cycle being paid. This is used to control the RDO facility. If not using the RDO, a default value of 01 must be entered.

This is the date the employee will receive their pay.
If the date is not entered, this will default to the Period End Date which will be recorded in the Earnings History. The format is DD/MM/YY.
For % Based Super Liability Code, the Payment Date is used to find the effective % to be used in the calculations.

Classification | Year End Print Flag | Allow/Deduct Type |
Q | 0 | Blank |
Q | 0 | EC |
Q | 0 | SG |
Q | 0 | SUPR |
S | 0 | Blank |
S | 0 | EC |
S | 0 | SG |
S | 0 | SUPR |

This is the date this payrun will be included for superannuation calculations.
- The Super Payment Date is used by the SGC processing option. If Position 18 from Program Control option PAY29 is set to Y, this date is recorded in the Earnings History file for the employee.
- If a date is not entered, the period ending date is recorded in the Earnings History file.
- This will also allocate this payment to the nominated superannuation month.
- This is the date which will identify during which calendar month the SGC rules will be applied.
If the date is not entered, this will default to the Period End Date which will be recorded in the Earnings History. The format is DD/MM/YY.
Super Payment Date Validation
Note that when a Super Payment Date has been used in the previous payrun, this may result in incorrect SGC calculations for employees who are under 18 years old. To prevent this, a warning message will be displayed when:
- The previous payrun had the same Super Payment Date that is currently set on this screen;
- The previous payrun with similar Super Payment Date included employees under the age of 18 with SGC Code attached and processed; and
- This Payrun Header has Pay Frequency set to F (Fortnightly) or W (Weekly).
This warning message alerts you that the indicated Super Payment Date has already been used in a previous payrun because SGC Processing groups hours together across multiple pays where the Super Payment Date is the same. This can cause an incorrect result for employees under 18 years old as it assesses the hours from both the previous and current payrun as part of the same week.
Likewise, this message validates what you intend to do whether to Cancel the saving of changes (i.e. where you can update the Super Payment Date) or successfully Save them (i.e. retaining the same Super Payment Date). The Save button on this Warning Message will only be enabled once you agree and tick the declaration message.

This date field is specific for EFT Processing allowing you to determine when the payment will be released from the bank, ensuring that it hits the employees' bank accounts on time.
If left blank, this field will default to "Payment Date - 1". This can be overridden.
The date set in this field will populate the Direct Credit Date field of the One Step Process Payrun and EFT Processing screens. Selecting EFT Processing on One Step Payrun Template, the EFT date from the Payrun Header will automatically flow through to the EFT Processing's Direct Credit Date field.
You can add the EFT Direct Credit Date column on the Payrun Header History Table via ticking the corresponding field in the browselist drop-down > Columns.

This table shows the history of payruns (current and previous financial year) for the selected Payrun Group, and is comprised of several fields such as Period End Date, Pay Date, Pay Frequency, Payrun Type, the Number of Employees Paid (where paid is defined as non-zero gross pay).

Are Auto Pay employees to be included in this payrun?
Code | Description |
N | Do not generate Auto Pay. |
Y | (Default) Generate Auto Pay for employees who have Auto pay Setup. |
- Auto Pay entries can be overridden during Time Entry.
The Time Card Print Process will use this field as reference when processing Auto Pay reversal transaction for prior period records..
When the Auto Pay Field on the Payrun Header screen is unchecked or N, the generation of Auto Pay reversal contra transactions will be suppressed for all employees.
When the Auto Pay Field on the Payrun Header screen is checked or Y, the Auto Pay reversal contra transactions for employees will be generated where applicable.

Indicate if Standard Allowances/Deductions will be included in this payment or not.
Code | Description |
A | Standard Allowances Only |
D | Standard Deductions Only |
N | No Standard Allowance or Deductions |
Y | (Default) Both Standard Allowances and Deductions |
- Standard Allowances and Deductions are setup on the Salary and Superannuation windows.
- Allowances and Deductions can be overridden during Time Entry.
The processing of Standard Allowances/ Deductions for an off-cycle payrun where the Period End Date is the same with the employee's Paid Up To Date is possible when Position 24 of Program Controls PAY34 and PAY38 is set to N.

This controls the payment of Allow/Deduct Codes with classifications N, Q and S.
Code | Description |
N | Do not pay Allow/Deduct Codes with classifications of N, Q and S. |
Y | Pay Allow/Deduct Codes with classifications of N, Q and S. |

Indicate if the calculation for Occupational Superannuation will to be included in this Payrun or not.
Code | Description |
N | Do not include Occupational Superannuation in this payrun. |
Y | Include Occupational Superannuation calculation in this payrun. |
This is based on the value set on Payrun Register. This value is inherited by the Payrun Header for calculations and work in par with the Occ Per Criteria screen.
Employees with an Employment Type other than Permanent, Temporary, Casual, or External will not be included.

Indicate the Hours Code for Public Holiday that will be used for auto pay calculation (i.e. where Auto Pay field is ticked).
If this field is left blank, the first Hours Code with Classification P will be used for auto-pay.
The value in this field is used by the Express Pay Wizard in determining what Public Holiday Hours Code will be used for auto pay calculation.

This is used to configure variance values which will be used to report the Gross Variances between the current and previous payments for employees in the Payrun Group being processed.
This is an editable field, but by default, this will simply retrieve the amount available in the same field from the Payrun Register screen. In case the field is blank in the Payrun Register screen, it will automatically be populated with and Paid with Gross Variance over 1=500 and Paid with Gross Variance over 2=10000.
Note that the allowed value for this field is a positive non-zero number and Paid with Gross Variance over 1 should be lesser than the Paid with Gross Variance over 2 value.

Are Superannuation Guarantee details to be printed in this Payrun?
Code | Description |
N | Do not provide the employee with details of Super Payments. |
Y | Provide the employee with details of Super Payments in this payrun. |

Contribution Dates are used by Preceda to select the Super values from the Earnings History file.

Reporting Dates are used for the reporting period to be shown on the employee's pay slip or letter. This date will be derived from the Contribution dates but may be overridden.

This message appears beneath the Employee Details heading in the pay slip.
The default value in this field comes from the Payrun Register screen if you are in an Environment.
Line 1 of this entry allows 28 characters and Line 2 allows 32 characters.
Characters in lower case will always be converted to upper case.

Enter the additional messages or extra notes (e.g. for any loading) that you need to communicate to the employee through the pay slip. The text entered here will appear in the Pay Slip's Notes section.
This field allows up to 1, 250 characters.
The default value in this field comes from the Payrun Register screen if you are in an Environment.
The text entered in this field will always be displayed in the pay slip irrespective of the setting from Program Control A440 Position 49.
Preceda users with Security Profile can add/set a Note (multi-line text field) associated with the Payrun Group.
This Note is supported and can be added to Pay Slip Methods: Email/ESS PDF, A4 Cold Seal (Crystal), and Collection Folder.