Auto Pay
Auto Pay is a payroll function where an employee's standard pay is generated each time an employee is included in a payrun. This is useful for employees whose pay do not differ from pay to pay. Only the exceptions for a payrun such as annual leave or sick leave are entered manually.
If Auto Pay is paid to an employee in advance, each employee's auto pay from their Paid Up To Date and pay Period End Date can be proportioned .
Example: If a weekly paid employee has already been paid three days into the current pay being processed, the auto pay can proportion this pay to the remaining two days.
For Permanent, Temporary and Casual employees, Public Holidays can be generated automatically through Auto Pay. To include Public Holidays in Auto Pay, they must first be setup.
The number of hours paid for a particular public holiday depends on each employee's Base Hours and the number of work hours scheduled for that day.
The following details will need to be setup for each employee using the Payment Details window.
- Set the Auto Pay field to Y.
- In the Auto Pay Hours field, specify a Normal Hours Type Code.
If the employee does not have a Classification of External, Auto Pay generates hours equal to the employee's Base Hours multiplied by a factor based on their pay frequency.
If the employee does have a Classification of External, Auto Pay ignores the Hours Type Code and looks for Allowance/Deduction Codes to generate the Auto Pay. Therefore, it is necessary to setup Allowances and Deductions to create Auto Pay for the employee.
- To process an Auto Pay, the Auto Pay field in the Payrun Header must be set to Y.
- Only employees who have a pay frequency that matches a pay frequency specified in the Payrun Header are included in the payrun.
- If an employee is to be paid differently for the particular payrun, exceptions such as Overtime, Sick Pay or Annual Leave are entered in the Entry via Single Screen window.
Example: A 'once only' meal allowance is entered into the Entry via Single Screen window as an Allowance/Deduction record. The other components of the employee's pay are calculated as normal. Meal allowance is also included in the pay calculation. If an employee works less than their Base Hours, then it may be necessary to suppress the Auto Pay by entering Y in the Suppress Auto Pay field on the Overrides window. The actual hours worked for the employee then needs to be specified on the Entry via Single Screen window. |