Allowances/ Deductions

Allowances and Deductions allow for dollar values and percentages to be added or deducted to or from an employee's pay. These Allowance or Deductions can be for one pay only or a standard for each pay, and can be applied before or after tax is calculated. If required, they can also be varied by the number of hours worked.

Each Allowance or Deduction must be identified by a unique code.

Superannuation is handled through the Allowance/Deduction facility.

The Remuneration module uses some Allowance/Deduction codes to attach pay components to Salary Packages.

Proration will only be applied when A/D Lots are equal to 1.00. To alert customers, a warning message in the following format will be sent: 'A/D Code xx Proration - Proration not applied as A/D Lots not equal to 1.00'.