Close G/L Posting PTD File

This window copies the GL8000 file to G/L History GL8000H and consolidates posting transactions from the Update PTD File GL8000 according to the rules established in the Consolidation window.


Rules and Guidelines

  • This option also:
    • Places all posting transactions and consolidated transactions in the Closed Update PTD File GL9000;

    • Clears the Update PTD File GL8000; and
    • Selectively removes the corresponding payroll transactions from the GLPAY46 file.

  • The Closed PTD File GL9000 is used by the conversion process to create a file compatible with your General Ledger system.
  • On Run Process, a message will be displayed to confirm if you want to 'Ignore' or 'Cancel' the running of accruals before Open Period Close. This message allows you to make a decision before the job is submitted. The system will not submit the job unless the 'Ignore' button is clicked.
  • If you are working in a PEX-enabled database (i.e. Prevar *PP_EXCHANGE Position 1= Y), Close G/L Posting PTD File must only be run from within an Environment because this process generates an Outbound file to be sent to PEX. PEX requires separate files for every Payrun Group where every file follows a naming convention. Thus, this process looks at the Environment to find the Payrun Group, Period Number (from Payroll Calendar found on the record which has the required combination of Payrun Group and Pay Frequency 1 from Payrun Register screen), and GCC and LCC.

Field Information

  • There are no parameters for this process.


Select Run Process to close the G/L Posting PTD File.


Next Step >>

  • Run the Closed PTD File report, if necessary.
  • Convert the transactions in the Closed PTD File to a format compatible to your General Ledger system.