Level Codes

Level Codes are used to identify various reporting and costing levels within your organisation. Level 1 defines the Company and Level 2 defines the States, Level 2, 4 and 5 can be used to define other areas within your organisation. These could be Departments or Regions.

Level Codes should not be confused with levels setup in the Organisation structure of your company, although they may be similar. The levels defined or the organisation structure are used to define reporting hierarchy of personnel.


Level 1 Code Used to identify each company within your organisation and must be defined as a minimum and attached to each employee record.
Level 2 Code If intending on using the Electronic Reporting feature for Tax File Number Declarations and or Payment Summaries, Level 2 identifies States within the organisation, for each Level 2 record added, Preceda automatically generates a State Code record, a valid abbreviation for each State Code description.
Level 3 Code Level 3 Code can be used to define Departments or Regions within your organisation, but is not required other than reporting purposes.
Level 4 Code Level 4 Code is used in a similar way to Level 3 Code where it becomes another reporting and costing level within your organisation, but is not required as Level 1 and Level 2.
Level 5 Code Level 5 Code is used in a similar way to Level 3 and Level 4 Code where it becomes another reporting and costing level within your organisation,