Restriction Codes
The Restriction File (Code) is an optional feature that can be used to prevent employees from punching at unauthorised times. The restriction record controls how the system processes each employee punch at the Time Clock and whether it accepts the punch, and to which schedule to apply it against.
- No prerequisites
Rules and Guidelines
- After restriction records are created, they are downloaded to the clocks to allow for monitoring and to restrict punches as defined.
- These parameters will be setup to reflect the business requirements.
- Reports can be sorted and summarised by restriction codes.
- A Restriction Code is held on the employee Time Details window and it must be setup as part of the Clock Configuration so that it can be loaded down to the clocks.
Field Information

This is a single character that represents the Restriction Code.

This is a description of the Restriction Code.
This can be up to 25 characters.
Not Rostered Punches

This controls whether or not the time clocks will accept punches from unscheduled employees where there is no linked schedule to the employee.
Code | Description |
N | Do not restrict unscheduled employees from punching in. |
Y | Will restrict unscheduled employees from punching in. |

If unscheduled employees are allowed to punch in, this is by setting the Restrict In Punches field to N, Preceda can calculate the expected end time by using the value of the this field, and therefore determine if the employee has punched out early or late for the unscheduled shift.
Rostered Punches

Indicate how many hours/minutes before the shift start time will an employee's punch record be assumed to be part of their scheduled shift.
The margin is entered in hh:mm.

Indicate how many hours/minutes after the shift start time will an employee's punch record be assumed to be a part of their scheduled shift.
The margin is entered in hh:mm.

Preceda uses this parameter to recognise missing in-punches. Any punch that falls within the Late End Margin is considered a clock out.
If an employee clocks out during a shift, Preceda interprets the next punch as an in punch only if the punch falls within the amount of time entered in the Maximum Out field.
If the punch in falls outside of the amount of time entered in the Maximum Out field and before the Late End Margin expires, it is assumed that the employee has forgotten to clock back in after a meal break and interprets the punch as an out punch. If the punch falls outside of the Late End Margin this is interpreted as an in punch for a new shift.

A shift starts at 8:00a and ends at 5:00p, the Maximum Out is set for one hour, and the Late End Margin is two hours.
If an employee clocks in at 7:55a, out at noon, and attempts to clock in again at 6:00p, it will be assumed that the 6:00p clock in is a clock out, as it falls outside the Maximum Out field (noon + one hours), but still within the Late End Margin (shift end + two hours).
The supervisor must manually enter the missing meal clock in and then the employee can clock out.

This field displays the number of hours an employee can punch in before the scheduled start time without an approval. This feature is used to restrict employees from punching in early.
- A supervisor must override the restriction to allow the employee to punch in anytime before the restriction limit.
- Y restricts employees - do NOT allow unscheduled employees to punch in.
- An entry of 24.00 disables the Early Start Restriction and does not permit anyone to punch in before the scheduled start time, without approval.

This field displays the number of hours after the scheduled start time when an employee can still punch in without approval. This feature is used to restrict employees from punching in late.
- A supervisor must override the restriction to allow the employee to punch in anytime after the restriction limit.
- An entry of 24.00 disables the Late Start Restriction and does not permit any unapproved late start.

This field displays the period of time before the shift end time during which employees can punch out without approval.
- A supervisor must override the restriction to allow the employee to punch out anytime during the restriction limit.
- An entry of 0.00 or blank disables the Begin Early End Restriction, and requires approval for any early clock outs.

This parameter, supported at the clock (not the software), allows employees to punch out a few minutes prior to their scheduled out time.
- An entry of 10.00 allows the employee to punch out up to ten minutes early without penalty.

This field displays the period of time after the shift end time, during which employees can punch out without approval. If an employee attempts to punch out after the amount of time setup in this field, the employee will be restricted from punching out.
- A supervisor must override the Maintaining Restriction Codes restriction to allow the employee to punch out anytime during the restricted limit.
- An entry of 24.00 disables the Late End Restriction and does not permit punch out without approval.

This field displays the longest period of time an employee can be punched out (typically for a meal) during a schedule and have the next punch considered an in punch.
- If an employee punches out during a shift, the system interprets the next punch as an in punch from a meal, only if the punch falls within the amount of time entered in the Maximum Out field.

This field displays the longest period of time an employee can be punched in without the system treating the next punch as if the employee forgot to punch out.

If an employee is punched in but does not punch out for an amount of time greater than the value in this field, the system assumes the employee has forgotten to punch out and assumes the next punch in as an in punch.
The employee's time record for the day of the missing entry is handled according to the default set in the Pay Period Rules Profile.

This field displays the shortest length of time an employee can be punched out during a shift for a meal. If an employee is punched out during a shift and tries to punch back in after less time than the value in the Minimum Meal field the system restricts the punch.

This field displays the length of time which must pass after an employee punches in at the time clock before the system will allow another clock entry. The system will not accept any clock entry attempted before the length of time has passed.
- The Repunch Limit can be set from 0 to 99 minutes.
- The length of time which must pass after an employee punches at the time clock before the system will allow another punch. The system will not accept any punch attempted before the length of this time has passed.
- The Repunch limit can be set from 0 to 99 minutes.