This window is used for recording non contributory superannuation components, such as company contributions that include Superannuation Guarantee Information and Allowance/Deductions that are superannuation related.
- Non Contributory Superannuation Allowance/ Deduction Codes
- SGC Rules
- Super Choice Insurance Cover
- Recipient Details
Rules and Guidelines
- All A/D Codes that have been classified as superannuation codes can be accessed and maintained on this window.
- When an employee is selected, any existing Superannuation information is displayed.
- If an employee has a Salary Package, a warning will display.
- Superannuation calculations are incorporated within the Preceda Payrun as part of the Allowance/Deductions processing. All Superannuation funds/schemes are identified within the Allowance/Deduction records, after being established during the Hire process.
- You can have more than one Superannuation fund operating at the same time by establishing a different Allowance/Deduction code for each fund. Individual funds should also be identified with the Recipient Details.
- Superannuation details can be recorded/viewed directly in the table, or drilled down on the record.
- A fortnightly U18 (under 18) employee must be attached to the SGC Rules Code for the SG calculation to apply.
- An "Effective Date" or "as of date" is the date when something is considered to be effective. This may be different from the date upon which the event actually occurred or has been recorded.
To view details on listed A/D Codes from past dates or what will be effective in the future, drill down to it. The drill-down window has the effective dated toolbar and allows users to move forward and backwards between records indicating the specific period of time those records are or will be effective on.
- In adding a new effective dated record or updating an existing one, setting a record that overlaps with the date of an existing record triggers an error. The record, then, cannot be saved.
Adding an Effective Dated Record for an A/D Code prior to Paid up to Date is allowed. A warning message is displayed when performing save regarding retrospective transactions.
- Information entered on this window could be accessible to the employee when logging into Employee Self Service.
Field Information

This field is used to hold the employee's annual salary for superannuation purposes and can be different from the actual gross earnings. This is useful for superannuation schemes that set the salary once a year.
Code | Description |
Q | Non-Contributory Superannuation as a Percentage of Employee's Annual Superannuation Gross |
R | Employee Contributory Superannuation as a Percentage of Employee's Annual Superannuation Gross |

The $ value of the paid Salary Sacrifice. This is for recording purposes only and does not affect the Salary Sacrifice deductions.

This refers to the SGC code that identifies the Superannuation Guarantee Contribution rules that are applicable to the employee.
- Employees who have any of the linked non-contributory superannuation funds defined in their standard allowance/deduction details must also have an associated reference number, such as a policy number.

This field is used to hold the Annual Super Guarantee Contribution Gross that could be different to the Annual Super Gross. It is enabled when a value is selected in the SGC field.

Should the system check the employees' earnings to determine if it exceeds the maximum earnings? If so, the employee's Superannuation Guarantee Contributions is calculated on the maximum earnings, and does not include any earnings over the maximum.
Code | Description |
Y | Use the maximum earnings amount when checking that the employee's earnings do not exceed the maximum. |
N | Select this value if the employee's earnings is unlikely to exceed the maximum. |
- This field is enabled when a value is selected in the SGC field.
- The check is performed by the Superannuation Guarantee Report and Processing option.
- The maximum earnings are defined in the Superannuation Guarantee Contribution rules.

The amount of Superannuation paid up to the Super Payment Date. This field is populated either; during each payrun (when the SGC Processing Cycle is set to P) or when the SGC Processing Cycle is run manually (SGC Processing Cycle is set to M)
- This field only appears when the Check Maximum Earnings field is set to Y.
- When this value reaches the Maximum Super Payable value set in the SGC Rules window, super ceases to be paid to the employee.
- Values are reset at the end of each quarter.

The date the Quarterly Super Paid amount is updated.
- This field only appears when the Check Maximum Earnings field is set to Y.

The Bulk Maintenance Super Choice Update process can be used to update the following values:

Code | Description |
Y | The employee has nominated a Super Choice. |
N | The employee has not nominated a Super Choice. |

The reason code selected describes either the Super Fund the employee has chosen or a reason as to why the employee is not eligible for Super Choice.

The date the Choice Form was sent to the employee.

The date the Choice Form was returned by the employee.

The date the Super Choice option was actioned.

The type of Insurance cover attached to this Super Choice.

This section allows for the viewing and maintaining of the employers non-contributory related superannuation Allowance/Deductions and is only specific to the following non-contributory superannuation codes.
Code | Description |
N | Non-Contributory Superannuation as a Fixed Dollar Value |
Q | Non-Contributory Superannuation as a percentage of the employee's Annual Superannuation Gross |
S | Non-Contributory Superannuation as a Percentage of the employee's Actual Gross Earnings |

A Standard Unit used to multiply the value in the Standard Amount field to produce an amount to be paid or deducted from the employee's pay.

A Standard Amount entered is multiplied by the value in the Standard Units field. This value is used to pay or deduct from the employee's pay.
Standard amounts are applied according to the employee's pay frequency.
Example: If the employee is paid fortnightly, the value is for a fortnight.
A default Standard Amount/Rate can be specified in the relevant Allowance/Deduction window.
- A negative amount for an allowance results in the pay being reduced.
- A negative amount for a deduction results in an increase of the net pay.

The Recipient for the selected Allowance/Deduction Code if applicable.

A employee's superannuation policy number or any other reference number.
The Reference Number has an affect on the period to date values shown in the Employer Superannuation Month to Date ReportNSA443. If a Reference Number is present the period to date value is cleared at the end of each period. If the field is left blank the period to date value on the report is accumulated in the same manner as the year to date value, without being cleared at the end of each period. If a reference does not exist but the field needs to be cleared at period end, enter an asterisk in this field.

The Contract Amount is used for deductions such as loans to an employee, where a fixed total amount is to be repaid over a period of time.
The contract amount can also be used with an allowance as an amount to be paid to an employee over a period of time.

The amount already paid towards the Contract Amount.

If the employee has a Salary Package, this field can be used to prevent an allowance from being included in the package.
Code | Description |
Y | The Allowance will be excluded from the Salary Package. The Allowance/Deduction value will not be displayed on the Salary Package window and the value will not be included in the totals. |
N or Blank | The Allowance/Deduction code will be included in the Salary Package |

Clicking this button directs you to a drilldown window where you can create, modify, or delete effective dated records for Allowances/ Deductions.
For further details on the Effective Dating for Allowances/ Deductions, you may go to the Allow/ Deduct screen.

Select the code for the required Allowance/ Deduction.

This field displays the number of times this Allowance/Deduction will be applied to the employee for each pay.
With standard allowances/deductions, this should either be '0.00' or '1.00'.
Unit | Description |
0.0 | Entering this value will ensure that there will be no calculation for the Allowance/Deduction Code for the next Payrun. Any allowance/deduction that needs to be stopped should have the Standard Units maintained at '0' to prevent further action, but at the same time, maintain history during the current financial year. |
1.0 | Entering this value will activate one payment of the Allowance/Deduction for each Payrun. |

This is the standard amount for each unit.

This refers to the contract amount allocated to the Allowance/Deduction. The Allowance/Deduction will automatically cease when this amount is reached. This could be used for payments such as a company loan.

If the Contract Amount is a total of two or more amounts, this field can be used to store one of these amounts for reporting purposes.

This is the Start date of the Contract.

This enables you to reset the Contract Paid Amount to '0' once a future effective dated record becomes effective.
Setting this field to 'Y' resets the Contract Paid Amount to '0' while 'N' keeps the value as is.
This flag offers the flexibility to end date an A/D Code record, and set the Start Date of a new effective dated record for this A/D Code without having to reset back to '0' the Contract Paid Amount. This also allows the user to define a future effective dated record that might require the values to be reset to '0' to ensure that the employees will get the whole lot of their contract allowance for a different period of time.

This refers to the Recipient for the selected Allowance/Deduction Code, if applicable.

This is the reference information that may be applicable to the Allowance/Deduction.

If the employee has a salary package, this field can be used to prevent an Allowance from being included in the package.
Code | Description |
N or Blank | The allowance will be included in the Salary Package. |
Y | The allowance will be excluded from the Salary Package. The allowance and value will not be displayed on the Salary Package window, and the value will not be included in any totals. |

Identify if the Costing for the Allowance is to be split against all Roles.
Code | Description |
N or Blank | The Costing for this Allowance will not be applied from all Roles. If the Role Code field is populated, Costing will be applied from that Role alone. If the Role Code field is empty, the Costing will be applied from the employee's Masterfile. |
Y | The Costing for this Allowance is to be applied from all Roles paid in the payrun. The split will be calculated based on the number of hours paid against each Role. |
- This field will not be available if the Role is populated.
- This is only used with Multiple Role Conditions.
- See MRC Allowances for more information.

Identify whether or not the notes are to be included on the Pay slip.
Code | Description |
Y |
Include the notes on the Pay slip. The Notes field must be completed. |
N | Do not include the Notes on the Pay slip. |

This refers to the notes that will appear for the selected Allowance/Deduction. This is used to record the name of Allowances/ Deductions such as Medical Fund.

This is an optional field, and will not be displayed on the pay slip regardless of the entry in the Display A/D Note in Pay slip field.

This is the bank's BSB number associated with the employee.
- The BSB must have already been defined on the Bank Codes screen.

This is the employee's bank account number.

This is the name of the account that the funds are to be deposited. This is usualy the employee's name.

This is the text that appears on the payee's bank statement.
If left blank, the employee's ID number is used followed by zeroes to fill the unused space.

If the employee ID is '001234', it will be filled with: '001234000000000000'.
Drill-down Options

This closes the drill-down and takes the user back to the actual screen of Allow/Deduct.

This clears the form and allows the user to enter a new A/D code effective dated record, either for the A/D code the user is looking at or any other.

This is only enabled if the record the user is looking at has a From date after the employee Paid Up To date.

This refreshes the current record.

This makes the form editable and keeps all current values on the editable fields, including From and To dates. On clicking Save, a new record is created, and there will ALWAYS be an attempt to insert a new effective dated record.
Cloning is allowed only on drilldown to ensure that not the whole A/D Code with past and future records is cloned, only a specific effective dated record.

This allows you to get a preview of the information on the selected record.

This option makes the form editable, except for the Allowance/ Deduction Code field, with the exact dates and values that the record the user is currently looking at.
Clicking Change implies that the current record is to be overridden/ updated with the values the user has entered on the screen.

This allows you to view and select effective dated records available.

The From and To fields allow you to setup the new effective dated record via date picker.
Setup the Start Date of the effective record using From while determine the date the record will become inactive using To.

Identify the reason for updating the effective dated record.