Other Payment Details
This window contains non-effective dated fields that were part of the original Payment Details screen.
- Payrun Group Code
- Ordinary Pay Code and Rate
- Average Rate Rule Codes and Rates
- Calculation Methods
- FTE Factors
- Position Definition (optional)
Rules and Guidelines
- Several Pay Rates can be attached to an employee's record.
Field Information

A Payrun Group is used to group together employees who will have their pays processed at the same frequency/ time each payrun cycle. This field allows the user to select a group of employees to be included in a payrun.
Note: If the employee is part of a Retro Batch/ has any transaction with status Generated or Released in any of the existing Retro Batches, the Payrun Group field can no longer be updated. This screen will also display a message informing you of the status.

This displays how often the employee is paid.
Code | Description |
4 | Four Weekly |
A | Half Monthly |
F | Fortnightly |
M | Monthly |
W | Weekly |
Note that the Pay Frequency is displayed as a read-only field whenever an employee has been assigned with a Confirmed Salary Package currently effective or to become effective in the future. A warning message will also be displayed for this field: "A Salary Package exists, changes here may affect the Salary Package. To adjust Pay Frequency, remove the Salary Package."
- To unlock and adjust this value, delete from the employee the Future Confirmed Salary Package (if existing). If a Current Salary Package is existing, end date that Salary Package in order to enable the Pay Frequency field for maintenance.

This displays the FTE value entered on the Position Definition window.

This is the number of FTE Hours per week to be updated.

This is the selected FTE Factor for this employee.

This field is based on the setup of Program Control option FTE .
- If Program Control option FTE Position 14 is set to Y, the calculation is based on the employee's FTE Hours per Week (divided by) the position FTE Hours per Week (multiplied by) FTE Factor.
- If Program Control option FTE Position 14 is set to N or Blank, the Employee FTE value can be entered manually.

This section is available when the Company of the corresponding employee is Active.

This indicates the Activation Status of the selected employee.
Employee Activation Status | Description |
Blank - Opted Out | The Employee has not interacted with the Earnd offering. The Employee is opted out of the service. |
A - Activated | The Employee is active for the service but has not registered on the Earnd App. |
R - Registered | The Employee has registered for the Earnd Service in the Earnd App. Payroll-related information can be sent. |
P - Pending Opt-Out | The Employee has opted out of the Earnd service, but Earnd has not acknowledged this opt-out. |
O - User Opted Out | The Employee has opted out. Earnd has confirmed the opt-out of the Employee. |

The Earnd Administrator can opt employees In/Out by changing the Employee Activation Status via the radio button Activate or Deactivate.

An Ordinary Pay Rate may be setup and used as part of the Calculation Methods process.
When the Calculate Ordinary Pay process is performed as part of the payrun, the Ordinary Pay Rate field is updated with the hourly rate. This field may be overridden on this window if required.

This is the Ordinary Pay Code to be used by this employee.

When the Calculate Ordinary Pay process is run, this field will be populated with the result of the calculation. This calculation is always an hourly rate.
- A value may be manually entered into this field, however if there is an Ordinary Pay Code on the record the value will be overwritten when the Calculate Ordinary Pay Process is run.

The Average Rates can be used in the calculation of an employee's pay. Nine Average Rate values can be updated manually or calculated automatically and used for special calculations as setup in Calculation Methods. If an Average Rate Rule Code exists, the rate will be replaced by the next Calculate Average Rates process
Before average rates can be calculated, the Earnings History File must contain sufficient payrun details to enable an average to be calculated.
The average rate codes are formula codes defined in the Average Rates Rule.
- If there is insufficient pay history to calculate the average, the value will still be calculated but is displayed as a negative.
- When the Calculate Average Rate process is performed as part of the payrun, the Rate field is updated with the average hourly rate which can be overridden.

This is the Average Rate code as setup in the Average Rates Rules.

This is the average Rate as calculated by the Calculate Average Rate process using the Average Rate Rules.
- Average Rates 1 - 6 are in Rate Unit of Hours.
- The Rate Unit for Average Rates 7, 8, and 9 is determined by Program Control PEP39 Positions 18, 19, 20.
When Prevar *PP_LEAVE_UNITS is set to 'Y' and Program Control PEP39 Position 15 is set to 'A', by default, Average Rates 7, 8, 9 are set to Weekly, Weekly, and Daily, respectively. The Rate Unit will be displayed at the right side of the field.
When the above setup is not configured, Rates 7, 8, and 9 will be in Hours.

A Calculation Method can be assigned to any of the Hours Type Classifications.
- The Calculation Methods are used in the Payroll Calculation program and can be overridden in Time Entry.
- If a particular Calculation Method code applies to most or all employees and can be specified as a default in the relevant Hours Type window.
The rate for the Annual Leave field contains the highest result from comparing Average Rates 1 and 2, Ordinary Pay Rate, and Base Rate.
Note that if the Calculation Method involves rates that are not hourly (i.e. when Prevar *PP_LEAVE_UNITS is set to Y and Program Control PEP39 Position 15 is set to A), then the rate unit type (Daily/ Weekly) must be the same as the employee Leave Accrual Unit Type.