Payment Details
This window contains information relating to the payment of an employee's salary.
Set-up for this Screen
Using this Screen

- On the selected employee record, click the Change button.
- Select the From date via the Date Picker or manually enter the From date.
While you can change the From date, the To date is automatically populated for this new record. Since the new record being created has a From date (e.g. '02/03/2022'), the To date for this new record is now set to infinity '31/12/9999'.
- Enter the values for the new record, and click Save.
- A message will display informing that the record has been saved successfully.
As you check the effective dated records, the record with From date '01/01/2022' now has an adjusted To date that is 'latest record From date - 1' or '22/03/2022' (i.e. previously infinity). The newly created record is now the latest record with a To date of infinity '31/12/9999'.

Before you delete any record, kindly take note that:
- You cannot bring back any record that has already been deleted.
- The first effective dated record on this screen cannot be deleted.
- If you are deleting a record that contains an outstanding leave application, deleting that record will result in the previous record becoming effective for the period.
- Navigate to the employee record that you would like to delete.
- Click the Delete button.
- Reply Yes to the warning message about the action that cannot be undone, and the previous record becoming effective for this period.
In case there are Outstanding Leave Applications for the employee, you will be asked to review and confirm if you really want to delete the record to ensure correct payment. Note that deleting the record will result in the previous record becoming effective for this period
- A message will display informing you that the record has been deleted successfully.

You cannot end date a Payment Details record since the To date cannot be edited. What you can do instead are the following:
- Add a new Payment Details record with a From date of when you want the Payment Details record to end + 1 day.
Let's say that you want to end a record that has a From date of '23/03/2022' and To date of '31/12/9999'. You want to end date this record at '22/04/2022'.
- Click Change, and create a new record with the From date that is '22/04/2022 + 1' or '23/04/2022'. The To date will automatically be set to infinity since this now becomes the latest record of the employee.
- Modify the record so that the values will match what is meant to be effective after the record has ended. Click Save.
- Once the update has been successfully saved, you can now check the new effective dated records.
The record with From date of '23/03/2022' has now been end dated with To date of '22/04/2022'.
Screen and Field Information

This saves your changes.

This enables you to delete the selected effective dated record.
- Note that you cannot bring back any record that has already been deleted.
- The first effective dated record on this screen cannot be deleted.
- If you are deleting a record that contains an outstanding leave application, deleting that record will result in the previous record becoming effective for the period.

This refreshes the selected record.

Clicking this option allows you to make modifications on the current effective dated record, or create a new record by selecting new From and To dates.

Clicking this option cancels any changes you made on the record.

This option enables you to select an available effective dated record for viewing or update. Selecting a particular date refreshes the screen to display all records based on the chosen date.

This becomes enabled once you click Change. For the record you are creating, select a From date - when the new record will become effective.

The To date will always be automatically populated depending on the record already existing. When creating a new record that will occur before the latest record, the To date of the prior record will default to 'latest record From date - 1'.
If you are creating the latest record, it will automatically be set to '31/12/9999'.

Select the reason for the change/ creation of new record.

The Base Hours selected is used to show the normal worked hours for the employee and can be used in calculating an hourly rate and leave calculations.
- If this value is changed, the system checks for any outstanding ESS transactions regardless of their status and displays the following:
Warning: Change base hours could have wide system implications in the areas of leave and pay rates. Do you want to continue?

This is an employee's average base hours per day or Standard Days.
- The Standard Day is calculated for display purposes only.
- Read more about Standard Days.
- If an employee's Work Pattern Code or Base Hours code is changed, the Standard Days is recalculated and the new value is updated when the window is saved.

This is a work pattern code to be applied to this employee.
- Work pattern codes are used extensively by the leave application process in Self Service.
- A warning message ("Work Pattern average weekly hours does not equal Base Hours") is displayed when there is a mismatch between the validation values of the "Base Hours" field on the Base Hours Codes screen and the average weekly hours of the "Work Hours" field on the Work Pattern Details screen.

This is the starting work pattern week based on the work patten code selected.
- The start week is updated each time a Roster Pattern Copy is performed.
- This can be changed manually.

Identify whether or not the employee is to be paid through the Auto Pay option.
Code | Description |
N | Employee is not paid automatically |
Y | Generate hourly based automatic pay |
This is used in conjunction with the Auto Pay Hours field except in the following circumstance:
- If Y is specified and the employee has an Employment Type of E for External, then an allowance is generated, instead of hours.

This is an Hours Type Code that the auto pay is allocated. Only used if the employee is being paid by Auto Pay.
Example: Normal Hours- If the employee's Employment Type is E for External. Preceda will ignore this Hours Code when calculating pay and look for Allowance/Deduction Codes.

This is the method used to pay the employee.
Code | Description |
B | Bank Credit |
C | Cheque |
E | Envelope /(Cash) |
N | No Payment (Pay is calculated but no payment is made) |

When using hardcopy Pay slips, this is used to set and change the type of pay slip to be produced for the selected employee. If changes are to be made to the pay slip type for a number of existing employees, the Bulk Pay slip Options Update can be used.

When using email or SelfService pay slip reporting, this field must be used for a new employee to set the correct pay slip method.
Code | Description |
E | ePay slip. Produce a pay slip to be emailed. The Delivery Method field is made available. If email address have been entered into the employees Other Contacts window, it would be displayed. |
N | Do not produce a Pay slip |
S | Produce a Security Pay Advice |
Delivery Method
Code | Description |
E | The Email To field is then made available. |
H | Hardcopy - If the employee is to receive a printed Cold Seal AdviceEmail |
S | SelfService - This is selected if the pay advice is not to be distributed, but is to be viewed by accessing Employee SelfService. |
Email To
Identify where the email is to be sent to a business or personal address.
Code | Description |
B | Business |
P | Personal |
The email address is displayed as a Read-only field. When the user selects an email address that has not been populated, a warning message will be displayed on the screen to notify the user about this situation and to suggest entering a value for the corresponding field on the Personal screen.
Rules and Guidelines
- The Base Hours field from the Base Hours Code screen is validated against the average weekly hours of the Work Hours field on the Work Pattern Details screen. A warning message will be displayed when there is a mismatch between the values entered o the Base Hours Code and Work Pattern Details screens.
- The value to be used in the Payrun for the Pay Method, Pay slip Type, and Delivery Method fields is the one effective at the Period End date. These three fields will also be updated with the data from the Bulk Pay slip Option Update screen.
- The values to be used for Base Hours, Work Pattern, Auto Pay, and Auto Pay Hours are prorated when one or more changes had taken effect throughout the employee pay period.
- When the Base Hours code of the employee has been changed and the user clicks Save, validation messages will be displayed before the record is saved.
- Changes made within the current pay period will calculate automatically and display on the current pay slip. Changes for a future date, on the other hand, will calculate and display on the appropriate pay slips when the date is achieved. Records added for past dates may also trigger the calculation of retro pay transactions. However, note that all changes require a From date as well as a Change Reason.
- The other fields on this screen may be changed at any point without affecting the effective dated records.
- For more information on Effective Dating, click this link.