General information relating to the employee's employment classification, employment type, or general grouping that can be used by the Payroll system (e.g. Reporting) can be maintained in this window.
- Employment Types
- Personnel Types
- Program Control option A440, Position 34 (to print the employees Job Title on the pay slip) and position 48 (to print the Award Classification)
- Remuneration Groups(optional)
- Country Codes (optional)
- Organisation From (optional)
Rules and Guideline
- Casual and External Employees are treated differently.
- Information entered on this window could be accessible to the employee when logging into Employee Self Service.
Field Information

This is used for statistical reporting and could be printed on employee's Pay slips.
Code | Description |
C | Casual
Employees are taxed over their nominated pay frequency and only one lot of allowances/deductions, if calculated regardless of the number of pay periods specified for the Payrun. Tax weeks are calculated according to the pay frequency. |
E | External
These are personnel who are not actually employees of the company such as Pensioners. |
P | Permanent
T | Temporary |
- For Employment Types other than C, Tax Week calculations are based on the number of hours setup per week on the Base Hours field on the employee's Payment Details window.

This field is used for statistical reporting and is used to classify employees into groups. This has something to do with the impact the employee has on the bottom line cost of producing the end product.
Example: An employee who works on a production line may be considered a Direct Personnel Type as they have a direct impact on the cost of producing goods.
Code | Description |
D | Direct |
I | Indirect |
M | Management |

This is used by Preceda Security as part of the criteria for defining access to employee information. Refer to Security Profiles for more details.

This is used for Reporting Purposes.

This field displays a Job Title code identifying the employee's job and can be printed on the pay slip to meet pay slip legislation.

This is the Award Classification to be printed on the employee's pay slip. This is controlled by Program Control option A440, Position 48.

This is used for reporting purposes such as employees grouped together for reporting (e.g. Employee Share Schemes, etc).

This is used for grouping purposes only and can be used to group like employees together for Adhoc reporting purposes. Valid Codes are setup in the Remuneration Groups.

This is the country the employee may have joined the organisation from.

Specify when the employee joined the organisation.
- If it is a multi-company organisation, record the company at which the employee commenced employment.
- This is used for ad hoc reporting.
These codes are setup in the Organisation From window.

Is the employee to be provided with a Company house?

This provides details of the TFN Declaration form without having to send it in physical form. This information is critical, providing context to the changes in the financial amounts for each pay event for other government agencies who will receive this data.
If employees are hired via mapper without information on STP Employment Basis and a default value for STP Employment Basis is provided in Mapper Hire Defaults, Preceda will set the employee's STP Employment Basis to the default value.
Code | Description | ATO Description |
C | Casual | A person who does not have a firm commitment in advance from a payer about how long they will be employed or engaged, or for the days or hours they will work. A casual payee also does not commit to all work a payer may offer. A casual payee has no expectation of continuity of the employment or engagement. |
D | Death Beneficiary |
The recipient of an ETP death beneficiary payment who is either a dependent, non-dependent or trustee of the estate of the deceased payee. If D is selected, the Tax Treatment Code must be reported as DBXXXX. |
F | Full Time | A person who is engages for the full ordinary hours of work as agreed between the payer and the payee and/or set by an award, registered agreement or other engagement arrangement. A full-time payee has an expectaion of continuity of the employment or engagement on either an ongoing or fixed term basis. |
L | Labour hire | A contractor who has been engaged by a payer to work for their client. The hours of work and duration of engagement are not factors for considerations. |
N | Non Employee | A payee who is not in scope of STP for payments but may be included in STP for voluntary reporting of superannuation liabilities only. If N is selected the Tax Treatment Code must be reported as DZXXXX. |
P | Part Time | A person who is engaged for less than the full ordinary hours of work, as agreed between the payer and the payee and/or set by an award, registered agreement or other engagement arrangement. A part time payee has an expectation of continuit of the employment or engagement on either an ongoing or fixed term basis. |
V | Voluntary Agreement | A contractor with their own ABN and is an individual person. The hours of work and duration of engagement are not factors for consideration. |
This field is mandatory when Preceda Variable *PP_STPPHASE2 = A.

- By default, STP Employment Basis = *blank.
- If Payment Summary Type = L, then STP Employment Basis defaults to L.
- If Payment Summary Type = V, then STP Employment Basis defaults to V.
- If Employment Type = C, then STP Employment Basis defaults to C.
- If Basis of Payment = F, C, L, P, then STP Employment Basis defaults to EDEMPT value.