Annualised Salary Reconciliation History
This screen displays the Annualised Salary Reconciliation Calculation/Payment data
- Preceda Variable *ANNSAL = Y
Rules and Guidelines
Once the Annualised Salary Reconciliation Payment Wizard has been run for the employee in Process mode, the top section (Annualised Salary Reconciliation Calculation) information is blanked out where the fields are displayed with no values while the browselist (Reconciliation Payment History) then holds the information.
The entire screen is not editable. This is only for read-only of historical data, which is also available via three Extractor views, split into: Header, Detail - Time Code, and Detail - Payroll Code.
The information can be printed via Print Preview.
All records for an employee can be viewed on this screen even if the employee has been transferred.
Field Information

This top section displays the most recent Pay Range, Time Range, Running Under/Over for each of the three Rate Types upon running the Annualised Salary Reconciliation Calculation.
AFTER the Annualised Salary Reconciliation Payment Wizard has been run for the employee in Process mode and BEFORE the next Annualised Salary Reconciliation Calculation has been run either via the Wizard or during the Close Payrun, this top section information is blanked out where the fields are displayed with no values while the browselist (Reconciliation Payment History) then holds the information.

This displays the Annualised Salary Review Start Date to the Pay Period End Date which was included in the calculation.

This displays the Annualised Salary Review Start Date to the last Posted Time Editor records Period End Date which was included in the calculation.

This holds the running total for the under/over of each of the three Rate Types: Contract Rate, Salary Rate, and Award Rate.

This browselist section displays the historical records of the Annualised Salary Reconciliation Payments that have been processed via Annualised Salary Reconciliation Payment Wizard in Process Mode.

The drilldown is a way to view the detailed information of the Annualised Salary Reconciliation Payments. It is separated into sections via group boxes Configuration, Annualised Salary Conditions, Comparison, Top Up, TIME Award Rules Calculations, and PAYROLL Calculations.
This also provides the ability to print via Print Preview function while all data is read-only and is available via Extractor. Preceda Variable *ANNSAL must be set to Y.
- The Comparison and TIME Award Rules Calculations group boxes hold the values that are generated for the default option of the employee (from Time Details - Annual Reconciliation Method), unless they were overridden at the time of running the Annualised Salary Reconciliation Payment Wizard.
- The Reconciliation Method selected during the Annualised Salary Reconciliation Payment Wizard will determine the Time Total Value displayed unless the user chose Custom to key in their own amount. In this instance, the Reconciliation Section displays the values based on the Reconciliation Method that was effective as of today (i.e. the server date of when it was run).
- The Ordinary Penalty Hours Outer Limit and the Overtime Hours Outer Limit are conditioned to only display for Outer Limits configured employees and will not display for Common Law Set Off employees (i.e. which is configured on the Time Details screen).
The Comparison group box displays the chosen Rate to use option during the Annualised Salary Reconciliation Payment Wizard for the Time value as this can be changed from the employees' default. If the value is changed to Custom during the Annualised Salary Reconciliation Payment Wizard, then the custom value is what will display here.
The Time Award Rules Calculations group box displays the chosen Rate to use calculations selected during the Annualised Salary Reconciliation Payment Wizard. If Custom has been selected, then it displays the employees default method calculations.