This window is used to maintain the details of the costing of an employee's pay, and the location where the clock card is used.
This is also used to define the split of costing information, via the table below, between departments or accounts. For example, when an employee works for two departments, the employee's salary can be split between the two departments (e.g. Business Development = 60%; Product Development = 40%).
Set-up for this Screen
- Level Codes
- Department Codes
- Account Numbers
- Labour Cost Code 1 (optional)
- Labour Cost Code 2 (optional)
Screen and Field Information
This section details the various screen and field details.

This saves the updates to the effective dated record.

This is only enabled if the record the user is looking at has a From date after the employee Paid Up To date.

This refreshes the current record.

This option makes the form editable with the exact dates and values for the record you are currently looking at.
Clicking Change implies that the current record is to be overridden/ updated with the values the you have entered on the screen.
Clicking Change enables the second level Toolbar displaying the From and To fields as well as the Change Reason.

Clicking this cancels any changes you made on the record.

This allows you to view and select effective dated records available.

This becomes enabled once you click Change. For the record you are creating, select a From date - when the new record will become effective.

The To date will always be automatically populated depending on the record already existing. When creating a new record that will occur before the latest record, the To date of the prior record will default to 'latest record From date - 1'.
If you are creating the latest record, it will automatically be set to '31/12/9999'.

Identify the reason for updating the effective dated record.

When an employee is selected, all Level information and any existing costing splits are displayed.
The Account and Job/Department fields are used to automatically split an employee's cost by percentage over various Account Numbers and/or Department Numbers.

This is the employee's allocated Company.

This is the employee's allocated State.
If you are STP-Activated (i.e *PP_STPSTATUS = A), changing the Level 2 Code may be allowed or not depending on the following:
- If the new combination of Level 1 and Level 2 causes the employee to be STP reported under a different Employing Entity such as resulting to an ABN/WPN different from the current Employer Information record, an error message will display preventing the change in this field. You will then need to perform the update via the Company Transfers Wizard.
If the new combination of Level 1 and Level 2 does not lead to the employee to be STP reported under a different Employing Entity, then the Level 2 Code change is allowed.

This is where the employee is located.

This is the group the employee belongs to.

This is the employee's allocated Cost Centre.

This is the employee's allocated Department Number.

This is the employee's allocated Account Number.

This is the designated location of the time clock the employee uses. This is used in the production of Time Cards, Time Card Labels and Clock Card Labels, and are printed in the following order:
- Employee Number
- Clock Location
- Clock Number

If the time recording method includes the use of time cards that are stored in numbered racks, the relevant rack number can be specified.

Employees can be classified such as through identifying employees who are attached to a rostering system. This is used for reporting purposes via Extractor.
Code | Description |
Y | T & A Employee |
N | Not a T & A Employee |

These fields are used as part of the Labour Cost extraction process. If not using Labour Costing, these fields may be ignored.

These fields refer to the Labour Costing values 1 to 3.

This is the costing method to be used for this employee.
Code | Description |
A |
(Actual) The Pay Element Types attached to this record are to be passed to the Actual Cost Ledger File in the General Ledger. |
S |
(Standard) The Pay Element Types attached to this record are to be passed directly to the Job Costing Ledger. |

Any records with a zero percentage will be removed when saved.
To delete a Costing Split record, place a '0' in the Percentage field and click Save.
Entering the *NODEF value into a non-mandatory field will stop the default value from being used and will leave the field blank.

This is the percentage of the cost to be assigned to the specified Department or Account.
The Total Percentage must be 100%.
To delete a record, put '0' on the Percentage field, make sure the existing split records add up to '100', and click Save.

This refers to the Department Number that the costing will be split.

This refers to the Account Numbers that the costing will be split.

If using a job costing system, these field can be used to define the correct labour costing codes.

If using a job costing system ,these field can be used to define the correct user costing codes.

This refers to the sum of the percentages inputted. Once a Percentage has been placed, the Total Percentage must always equal to '100'.
To delete the percentage, you may put '0' on the Percentage field.
Rules and Guidelines
In the search result, if there are employees with roles and with Costing included as a Role Feature, a Role column will be available and visible by default. That allows users to review and maintain employee role costing record.
- Any Account Numbers or Department Number setup can be overridden in the Payrun, during Time Card Entry.
- To delete a full Costing effective dated record, click the Delete button. Note that a record can only be deleted if it is not the first one. Costing splits need to add to a total of '100' or '0' to be saved.
- The values are attached to a unique period of time to create a unique costing effective dated record.
- Cost level 1 can no longer be changed on this screen. If an employee transfers from Level 1 to another, the functionality for this will be made available as part of the Company Transfer Wizard.
- The information on this screen corresponds to the values entered as part of the employee Hire, and will be displayed as read-only. In case there is more than one existing effective dated record, the current effective record is displayed.
To create a new record, click Change, and the second level Toolbar will be displayed with the From date field automatically populated with today's date (if the record on screen is the current record) and the To date field with '31/12/9999' (or if future records exist, next record From date - 1 day) displayed as read-only. If the record being looked at is a past or future record, it will default to that record set From and To dates.
You may create a new future effective record by modifying the date in the From date picker to a date in the future, and changing the information in the form.
Once an employee is hired, a record is created for all existing employee-related screens where Effective Dating is applicable. From date is matched with the employee's Hire Date, while the To date is '31/12/9999'.
It is not possible to create a new effective dated record prior to the employee Hire Date.
Where existing files have Effective Dating added, the Effective Date will not be Mandatory in the Mapper Upload. This is to allow existing customers, with interfaces already in place, to continue to use the system without having to make changes to their interfaces.
- Click Effective Dating for more information on the effective dating functionality.