Company Transfers
This window is used when transferring employees from a physical location within the organisation to another based on a set of criteria. It includes the capability to deal with transfers that are entered into Preceda some time after the changes actually occurred.
This screen enables you to select employee/s and review actions before processing. The Company Transfer process consists of three screens: Selection, Review and Process.
- Program Control CNTAD, when setup, this will restrict which Allow/Deduct codes are deemed as invalid in the new company.
- Program Control EMPTR Positions 21-22 controls the defaults Termination Reason Code of the transfer process.
- Program Control TFR controls the issuing of new employee ID numbers when an employee is transferred or reinstated.
Rules and Guidelines
- Read about Company Transfers here.
- This process can be run for one employee, or a selection of employees based on the criteria entered.
- All payments with a period ending date after the termination date in the old costing structure is reversed by Prepayments and Rebanks. This will ensure that the employee's earnings history is accurate in each Company.
- Leave accrual codes can be changed for the employee in the new costing structure.
- Leave balances may be transferred to the new costing structure, or leave may be paid out.
- The Year-to-Date figures for the employees will remain with the old costing structure and the employee will have zero balances in their YTD figures in the new costing structure.
- Separate Payment Summaries will be issued for the employee in each costing structure.
- If using Future Dating transaction and also generating new ID numbers for employees on transfer, be aware that any future dated transaction in the system will not be transferred, so these transactions must be re-entered.
- This process is produced using a Wizard, and is processed in three parts.
The user selects either an ID Number or a Selection criteria (Current Details) to target one or more employees. New Details are set for what to change on the transfer. There is no restriction to which costing levels can be chosen.
When a valid ID Number is entered, the remaining selection criteria will display what is currently saved on the employee record.
If the Year End Processing Status is F (Fully Processed) or P (Partially Processed), an error message (i.e. "Y/E Finalisation Performed") will be produced on the Terminate/Transfer Report (PRE419).
Company transfer process supports average hours payments. Pay by Average Hours will only be applied corresponding employee configured to pay by average hours and the corresponding Average Hours Payment Rule enabled with Use in Termination / Leave Liability Movement.
when paying out available entitlements which have anwith Use in Termination / Leave Liability Movement selected.
Select Start Wizard to run the process.

This screen gathers the details of who to transfer. You may select an individual employee, or add selection criteria based on costing levels.
Field Information

Indicate the employee ID Number you want to process for transfer.

Indicate date when the transfer will take effect. The Transfer From Date = Effective Date, and is the Hire Date for the new record. The Effective Date cannot be before Hire Date.
It is also important that the Effective Date is within the current financial year. If a company transfer is performed relating to a previous financial year which already has STP finalised, it will have an impact to the ATO Report. However, it is still possible to relate it to a previous financial year provided that you tick the box in the validation message fully acknowledging that you understand the implication of this action.

Indicate the termination reason to be used on the employee record.

The first step is to select the employees to be transferred by setting the criteria in the Current Details column. This consists of the Level Codes,Department, Account, Pay Group, and Pay Frequency.
- The Company (Level 1), Pay Group, and Pay Frequency fields are mandatory fields.
- When entering *ALL, which is the default, all employees who meet the criteria entered in other fields will be selected.

Use the New Value columns to set the new Level Codes, Department, Account, Pay Group, and Pay Frequency.
- The Company (Level 1), Pay Group, and Pay Frequency fields are mandatory fields.
- When entering *SAME, which is the default, the current value/s will be transferred to the new employee record.
Select Next >> to continue.

Field Information
User Dates

This is populated based from the old record. This can be updated/ maintained
If the User Date fields are used to hold details of dates specific to an employee's leave record such as Annual Leave start date, the fields on this window may be used to control the passing of the date to the employee record in the new company.
- When one employee is selected, any existing User Dates will be displayed and may be altered.
- If a date is entered into the field, it will be transferred to the employee's record in the new company when the process is run.

The Leave Types available to the employee/s are listed.

This refers to the Accrual Code appropriate to the Leave Type.
The default values entered into the Program Control option EMPTR will be displayed, and can be changed.

This refers to the Accrual Code appropriate to the Leave Type.

Identify if the employee's current leave balance for this Leave Type is to be carried over to the new company or not.

Indicate if the outstanding leave for this Leave Type is to be paid on Termination or not.

Type or select the Allowance/Deduction code that will be used for the payment of this Leave Type.
- This field is only accessible and mandatory if the Generate Payment of Outstanding Leave on Termination field is set to 'Y'.
- The default values entered into the Program Control EMPTR will be displayed, and can be changed.

Indicate if the Pro-rata leave is to be paid to the employee or not.

Type the number of years of service required for this Leave Type before Pro rata is paid.
- If all Pro rata is to be paid, zero should be entered as the default in EMPTR.
- Pro rata will be included in the payment only if the employee has served at least this number of years.
- The Start Date for the calculation will be taken from the Start Date parameter on the Accrual Code.
- This field is only accessible if the Pay Pro Rata field is set to 'Y'.
- This field becomes mandatory for Long Service Leave only.

Type or select the Hours Code to be used for this leave type.
- A prepayment will be generated with this Hours Code showing hours paid, but with a value of zero.
- This record is generated to increase the leave taken value on the employee's leave record.
- This field is only accessible if the Generate Payment field is set to 'Y', and is mandatory.
- The default value entered in the Program Control EMPTR will be displayed, and can be changed.

This field is set to 'N' by default.
If 'Y' is selected, this will enable Preceda to recalculate leave accrual values against the new cost centres which is important when posting values to GL files. However, this is dependant on which method of leave accrual is being posted to the GL (if Net value or Gross Value), and established within Program Control LVACC Position 24 ( if the Net Value of leave liability will be passed to the PLLM9000 file or if the Gross Value will be passed to the PLM9000 file).
THIS DOES NOT PROCESS LEAVE ACCRUALS, but just moves the accrued Gross values if Gross values are being passed to GL.
Rebanks/ Prepays

This field defaults to blank.
If 'Y' is selected, this transfer is for past pay run dates. Rebank/Prepay transactions will be consolidated into a single value rather than separate values for each Paid Up To date.
Select Next >> to continue.

The next stage of the process is to review the options for each employee when the transfer process is run.
This screen enables you to review and adjust transfer details including whether the leave is to be paid out or transferred to the new record. This also allows individual adjustments of the selected employees' leave liability codes.
If the Generate Payment was flagged on the Leave screen, and no A/D Codes have been entered for such payment, you can enter the Hours Codes to pay out the leave on termination. This is typically used to pay out leave balances as leave.
All employees currently active and have passed the selection criteria will be displayed and will include employees who were terminated after the Termination Date entered into the selection window.
It is then possible to update each employee to indicate how the process affects them, such as:
- Do not transfer or terminate the employee. The status remains unchanged in the old company. The employee will be dropped from the selection.
- Do not transfer the employee, but terminate them in the old company.
- Transfer the employee to the new company as an active employee. The employee's costing levels may be changed at this stage to allow for the employee transferring to a different location.
- Transfer the employee to the new company as a terminated employee.
Field Information

This field displays if the employee is to be transferred to the new company or not.
Code | Description |
Y | Transfer this employee record to the new company. Terminated employees are sometimes transferred as they have received payment during a period that belongs to the new company, and therefore, it is necessary to have two payment summaries. |
N |
Do not Transfer this employee's record to the new company. |

This field shows if the employee is to be terminated or not. If the employee has already been terminated, this field is not accessible anymore.
Code | Description |
Y | Terminate this employee. If Y is entered and the Transfer field has been set to N, the employee will be terminated in the old company records. If Y is entered and the Transfer field has been set to Y, the employee will be terminated in the new company records. |
N | Do not terminate this employee. |

This indicates the employee ID number who is being processed.
This is based on Program Control TFR which controls the issuing of new employee ID Numbers when an employee is transferred or reinstated.
This field is mandatory if TFR Position 15 is set to 'R' while Read-only if set to 'N' or blank, editable and non-mandatory if set to 'D'.

This displays the current status of the employee being processed (e.g. Active, Terminated).

This displays the original date the employee was hired.

If the employee has been terminated, this field indicates when.

This field shows the full name of the employee being processed.

This box is ticked if the employee has a Salary Package.

If the leave type was set to Generate Payments in the selection window, the field will be activated. The Leave Hours code will flow through from the selection window and can be overridden.

If the leave type was set to Generate Payments in the selection window, the field will be activated. The Leave Hours code will flow through from the selection window and can be overridden.

If the leave type was set to Generate Payments in the selection window, the field will be activated. The Leave Hours code will flow through from the selection window and can be overridden.

If the leave type was set to Generate Payments in the selection window, the field will be activated. The Leave Hours code will flow through from the selection window and can be overridden.

If an employee is transferred to levels different from the defaults, the values can be changed.

If an employee is transferred to a different department to the default, the value can be changed.

If an employee is transferred to a different account to the default, the value can be changed.
Select Next >>to continue.

This screen performs the transfers.
The Process screen is the final confirmation screen. It allows the processing to run but not commit the changes (Report Only), or to run the process completely (Report and Update Database).
- If the transfer is before the Current Pay Period, then the transactions will be processed for Completed Pay Periods, and will be posted as Rebanks (against the old cost centres) and Prepays (against the new cost centres).
- For future dated changes, or changes dated after the Paid Up To Date, the employee is terminated from the old cost level 1 code and a new record created (with existing ID Number) for the new cost level 1 code. The status of the old record is set to 'R' while the new record becomes 'A'.
Field Information

Select from the two processing options are available:
Code | Description |
1 |
Report Only This process should be run before updating the database. |
2 | Report and Update Database |
Report and Update Database
The final step is to run in Update mode.
The original dates attached to the employee records may have been changed.
- The Hire Date in the employee records will not be changed as part of the Bulk Transfer process. The Hire Date in the new company is reported in the Transfer Effective Date field.
- The User Dates may or may not have been changed depending on the User Dates entered into the Selection window.
- These User Dates may need to be checked as some Leave Accrual Methods use these dates when calculating accruals.
Select Finish to submit Job PPRE416

The Terminate/Transfer report shows all transactions that will be generated when the Update option is selected.
- Depending on the option selected in the Consolidate Contra Transactions field in the Company Terminate/Transfer window, one or more transaction records may have been generated for each employee.
- For payments made to the employee after the company termination date, Rebanks are generated for the old employee records and Prepayments for the new employee records.
- Leave is paid out or carried forward depending on the option chosen for each leave type. Prepayments may be generated with zero dollars to increase the leave taken on the old company accrual record.
- When the process is run using the Update option and the TFR option is set to Y for new employee ID's, the Original ID, New ID Number and old ID Number are included in the report.
- Any comments, errors and warning messages are displayed in the Comments field.