Significant Dates
This window contains various dates stored in an employee's record. These dates appear on several different windows but can all be accessed from this window. If a date is changed on this window, it is automatically reflected wherever else the date field appears.
- The field name for User Dates 1 to 7 can be changed using the Field Numbers option. The field numbers 93 to 98 represent User Dates 1 to 7. (optional)
Rules and Guidelines
- Dates cannot be changed while a Payrun is in Progress.
- A number of user date fields are provided and can be used for recording dates that are significant to your organisation (e.g. employee appraisal dates, pay review dates or adjusted service dates, etc).
- Information entered on this window could be accessible to the employee when logging in Employee Self Service.
Field Information

This field displays the employee's birthday as entered during the Hire Process. As a result, the Age of the employee is calculated and displayed.
The Date of Birth can be changed on the Personal Details window.

This is the date the employee commenced employment.
This date can be used as the start date of leave accrual (set up via Leave Accrual Methods).
Hire Date can be maintained when:
- The selected employee does not have any payrun in progress.
- The selected employee does not have any retro pay in the status of Generated (review or resolve via Review Retro Pay).
By default, Hire Date only updates for the selected employee version. When there are multiple employee versions sharing the same Hire Date, typical situation after Company Transfer, and you would like the product to always keep the Hire Dates in sync, Preceda Variable *CHG_HIREDT_RULES should be set to A.

When the employee has only 1 version, whether Active or Terminated:
- Hire Date can be any date that is equal to or prior to the employee's Paid Up To Date, Termination Date, the first Time Entry Date or any Time Details End Date, whichever is earlier, if exists.
When the employee has more than 1 version, and the selected version is the original version:
- Hire Date can be any date that is equal to or prior to the employee's Paid Up To Date or Termination Date, whichever is earlier, if exists.
When the employee has more than 1 version, and the selected version is not the original version:
- Hire Date can be any date that is equal to or prior to the employee's Transfer Date.

When the employee has only 1 version and hire date is changed per this version:
- The employee's Position, Costing, Payment Details, Salary, Bank Details are updated to start on the new hire date.
- The employee's standard Allow/Deduct, Salary Package, Roles, Time Details are updated to start on the new hire date if they exist and used to start on the old hire date.
- The employees Payment Summary Print Start Date, Annualised Salary Review Start Date are updated to match the new hire date if they exist and used to align with the old hire date, unless specified differently.
When the employee has more than 1 version and hire date is changed per the original version (i.e. the version with no Transfer Date):
- The employee's Position, Costing, Payment Details, Salary, Bank Details are updated to start on the new hire date.
- The employee's standard Allow/Deduct, Salary Package, Roles are updated to start on the new hire date if they exist and used to start on the old hire date.
- The employee's Payment Summary Print Start Date, Annualised Salary Review Start Date are updated to match the new hire date if they exist and used to align with the old hire date, unless specified differently.
When the employee has more than 1 version and hire date is changed per the current version:
- The employee's first Time Details record is updated to start on the new hire date if it exists and used to align with the old hire date.
- The employee's Payment Summary Print Start Date, Annualised Salary Review Start Date are updated to match the new hire date if they exist and used to align with the old hire date, unless specified differently.
When the employee has more than 1 version and hire date is changed per a version that is neither the current nor the original:
- The employee's Payment Summary Print Start Date, Annualised Salary Review Start Date are updated to match the new hire date if they exist and used to align with the old hire date, unless specified differently.

In any case the selected employee has an information icon to the right of the Hire Date, hovering over the mouse on this information icon displays the message 'Support will process any Hire Date change made', there are existing data anomalies per this employee. If you wish to change hire date, specify the desired hire date and tab out, you will be prompted with a Contact Support drilldown.

This is pre-populated with the date specified on the main screen.

This is pre-populated with the value from System Variable *PP_SUPPORT_EMAIL. It ensures the request is sent to Preceda Support.

Enter the Contact Name and Contact Email, by which you would like Support to reach out after getting the request.
These must be populated so that the Request could be sent via product.

Showing you the request details to be sent to Support.

This is an optional field where you can input any notes or information you would like the Support to know for your Hire Date change request.
Once populated, this is appended to the request above.

Click this button to send the hire date change request to Support. Support will address the data anomalies and change hire date for you as soon as possible. This is enabled once From fields are populated.

Click this button if you do not wish to request any hire date changes per the selected employee / employee version.
System Variable *PP_SUPPORT_EMAIL and Preceda Variable *SALESFORCE_ACCTNM must be populated to enable the Contact Support process. If any or neither of the two is set up, and the selected employee has existing data anomalies, the Hire Date field will be Read Only - please contact Support for hire date change.

If you notice a 'Pending Request' information to the right of the Hire Date field, you or other people who are authorised to make hire date changes in your business must have requested a hire date change and Support is yet to process the request.
If you wish to 'withdraw' the request, click Cancel. This sends another email to Support, informing them that you no longer want hire date to be changed for this employee / employee version.

Similar to Hire Date, this field is maintainable via this field if employee does not have a Paid Up To Date AND payrun is not in progress for the employee.
If the Hire Date is updated via the Date Adjustment section, this date will be defaulted to the new Hire Date if it originally aligns with the old Hire Date.
This field displays the start date of the employee's period of employment and is printed on the Payment Summary as the start date of the employment period, only if it is after the beginning of the current financial year.
Any date can be specified that represents the start date of the period of employment. This date is reset to July 1st each year as part of the year end process.
This date is automatically populated when one of the following occurs:
- If the employee is new, the Hire Process allocated the Hire Date as the default for this field.
- If the employee has been reinstated, the reinstate date is automatically allocated as the default for this field.
- Reinstatement means the employee was terminated but then rehired with the same employee number.
- The date of re-hire will appear as Hire Date in the new active record of Status A, and earnings related to the previous employment period are held against the Reinstated record of Status R.

This displays the last pay calculation date that includes this employee.
This field updates automatically after the Payrun is closed, and prevents the employee from receiving further payments on or before this date.
Example: This could be the date of the last payrun or, if the employee had been paid three weeks annual leave in advance, this would become the end date of the employee's leave. This date can be used to automatically suppress an employee's auto pay until this date has passed.

This field is populated after the employee is terminated, and thus displays the date of the employee's termination.

If the employee has been transferred, this field will show the date that the transfer became effective.

Input whether the employee is on Unpaid Leave:
- Select 'Y' if this employee is currently on Unpaid Leave.
- Select 'N' if this employee is not on any Unpaid Leave.
Note: Entering details in this field does not prevent payment wages or accrual of leave.

This is the date the employee is expected to return from unpaid leave.
This field is only enabled when the Unpaid Leave is ticked.

The Probation Due Date could be the date the employee is due for review following completion of a probationary period.

Enter the date when this employee started to be on an Annualised Award type of Industrial Agreement. The date will then be used to calculate the Annualised Salaries annual review due, which should happen every 12 months, as required by Fair Work. Once a valid date is specified, the value is displayed on the employee's Time Details screen.
The Annualised Salary Review Start date must:
- Be in a valid date format (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Not be prior to the employee's Hire Date
- Not be prior to the employee record's Transfer Date
- Not be later than the employee's Termination Date
- Not be prior to 1 March 2020
Via both Screen and Mapper, in the case of changing Hire Date when there is a valid Annualised Salary Review Start (i.e. not changing Annualised Salary Review Start intentionally):
- If the Annualised Salary Review Start ever equalled to the Hire Date;
- If the Hire Date is changed to a date prior to 1 March 2020, the Review Start date will be defaulted to 1 March 2020.
- If the Hire Date is changed to a date equal to or later than 1 March 2020, the Review Start date will be defaulted to the same value as the Hire Date.
- If the Annualised Salary Review Start is never the same as the Hire Date:
- If the new Hire Date is prior to or equal to the current Review Start date, the Review Start date stays unchanged.
- If the new Hire Date is later than the current Review Start date, the Review Start date will move forward to become the same value as the new Hire Date.
Via both Screen and Mapper, in the case of changing both Hire Date and Annualised Salary Review Start, the Annualised Salary Review Start will not be defaulted - it follows the 5 rules stated above this section.

If accruing leave for an adjusted service date, the service date must be indicated in the relevant Accrual Method.
Examples where the Adjusted Service Date may be used:
- An employee may have started with the company as a casual employee and then later was employed on a permanent employee basis. Leave accruals would start from the time the employee became permanent.
- An employee may have been terminated and then reinstated. You can choose to accrue leave from the date of reinstatement, rather than from the initial hire date. In this case, you would point the accrual method to the adjusted service date and make the employee's adjusted service date the reinstatement date.

User Dates 2, 3, and 4 can be used in one of two ways:
- Similar to User Date 1 - Adjusted Service Date - as an alternative date to the Hire Date and can be used in Leave Accruals.
- As Reference dates for reporting purposes such as Late Pay Review Date, Next Pay Review Date, or Retirement Date.

User Dates 5, 6 and 7 can only be used for reference and reporting purposes.