Transferring Employees
The transferring of employees can be achieved by individual or group transfer via the Company Transfer Wizard.
The following should be considered when bulk transferring employees:
- The criteria used when employees are selected for transfer.
- The effect of re-calculating Leave Accruals as part of the process.
- The Leave Accrual Code which will be attached to the employee records in the new Company.
- The method used with employee ID numbers. Using this option can also affect transferring a single employee.
Bulk Transferring Employees
There are a number of options that should be considered when the Bulk Transfer Process is used.

When employees are selected for CompanyTransfer, the selection criteria used is based mainly on the Level Codes defined on the Company Transfer window with the exception of the Termination Date in the Old Company. The following example shows the exceptions based on the Old Company Termination Date of 01/09/xx and the New Company Hire Date is 03/09/xx:
Termination Date | Result |
31/08/xx | Employee not selected as Termination Date is Before the Old Company Termination Date |
04/09/xx | Employee is selected as the Termination Date is after the New Company Hire Date |
01/09/xx | Employee is not selected as the Termination Date is the same as the Old Company Termination Date |
02/09/xx | Employee is selected as the Termination Date is after the Old Company Termination Date |
03/09/xx |
Employee is selected as their Termination Date is after the Old Company Termination Date

When the Bulk Transfer process is run, Leave maybe recalculated. If the Recalculate Leave field from the Company Transfer window is set to Y, it will take longer than when option N is selected.
If N is selected, the Calculate Leave Accruals process must be run to ensure that employee's leave is calculated up to the transfer date prior to running Company Transfer process.
Example: The following example shows the effect of recalculating leave if the Old Company Termination Date is 07/11/xx and the New Company Hire Date is 8/11/xx and a Default Leave Accrual Code of AB has been added in the New Company:
The following example shows the effect of recalculating leave if the Old Company Termination Date is 07/11/xx and the New Company Hire Date is 8/11/xx and a Default Leave Accrual Code of AB has been added in the New Company:
The following would be the result if the employee Leave Accrual Date was after the Transfer Date:

As part of the Company Transfer process, one of the following options can be selected:
- Report Only
- Report and Update Database
The PPRE416 report is generated, displaying any warnings and/or error messages.
Report Only
One of the messages which may result is: "Check balance for Leave Type X - The employee Leave Balances must be checked."
Preceda has determined that maintenance has been performed on fields since the last Calculate Leave Accruals process was run and the changes to these field may have impacted the calculations.
Check the leave accrued for the employee if the following fields have been changed/maintained.
Hire Date | Base Rate Code | Base Rate |
Base Rate Type | Award Rate | Other Rate3 |
Leave Accrual Code | Base Hours Code | Annual Super Gross |
Average Rate 1 | Average Rate 2 | Average Rate 3 |
Annual Leave Calculation Code | Long Service Leave Calculation Code | Sick Leave Calculation Code |
Other Leave Calculation Code | User Date 1 | User Date 2 |
User Date 3 | User Date 4 |
Report and Update Database
If the option to generate new ID numbers is used, the Process function will produce a report which lists the following additional information:
- Employee Current ID - before the transfer process
- Employee Report Name
- Employee Date of Birth
- New Employee ID number created
- Original ID number
The new employee ID number is not printed on the report until the Report and Update option is selected as the new ID numbers are not generated until this stage.

Leave Accrual codes can be set as part of the transfer process. The Accrual Code allocated to the employee in the New Company can be set for an individual employee if needed.
Example: The following example shows the effect of entering or not entering an Accrual Code in the Company Update window. These rules apply regardless of if the leave is paid out or not.
New Employee ID Number on Transfer

Program Control option TFR can be setup to determine how the Employee ID is to be transferred.
- Create or do not create a new Employee ID number when employee is transferred, hired or reinstated
- New Employee ID field - Do or do not force the entry of a new ID number.
Preceda Support strongly recommends that the implications of changing to this method are discussed with your Consultant before implementation.
Depending on the setting in Program Control option TFR, one of the following will occur:

The Transfer process uses Version Numbers to keep a history of the employee and covers Company Transfers.
The following is performed when an employee is transferred:
- A new version of the employee's record is created with a blank version number. This is the active record.
- The original employee record is allocated a version number of zero.
- The transfer date entered is used as the transfer date for the active record.
- Leave Accrual Figures are carried through from the old record to the active record.
- The year to date figures are set to zero on the active records. The year to date figures on the old record remains unchanged.
A separate Payment Summary is produced for the older version of the employee's record and a different Payment Summary is produced for the active version of the employee's record. The transfer date is printed on the employee's Payment Summary as:
- The start date for the active version;
- The old version uses the Paid up to Date from the Significant Dates window as the To date for the Payment Summary area Period to which payments were shown.

This is used when re-employing within the same financial year.
The following is performed when an employee is reinstated:
- A new version of the employee's record is created with a blank version number- this is the active record.
- The original employee record is allocated a version number of zero.
- Resets the year to date and the leave accrual figures from the old record to zero in the active record.
Separate Payment Summaries are produced at Year End for both periods of employment. A Payment Summary is produced for the old version of the employee's record and a different payment summary is produced for the active version of the employee's record.

The Reinstate and Company Transfer processes allow you to optionally create a new employee record instead of creating a new version of the existing employee.
- The current reactivate process is not affected by this function.
The Transfer/Reinstate Table Control window is used to specify which files are to be included when transferring an employee. This only relevant when anew employee ID is created.
Some of the files that are copied to the new employee record can be specified using the Company Transfer/ Reinstate window. For example the employee's Attachments record may contain a CV or a photo ID which is also relevant to the new employee record.
Example: A new employee, Rebecca MORLEY is hired, the system generates an Employee ID of 064803.
If this employee is transferred to a new company for the first time, a new employee record is automatically created with a new ID number. All personal details are transferred to the new record.
The Original ID number of 064803 is stored on the new employee record. Two records would exist. If the employee is transferred again, another new employee record is generated, with a new Employee ID. The Original ID number on all three records is the first ID Number that the employee has. Three records would exist.

Any of the following can be used to search for an employee by using the Quick Search function:
- The Employee ID number
- The Employee Name
- The Original ID number
It is possible to set the Original ID number to be the default search using theEdit Search function
The Original ID number can be added to the Results List by using the Data Title Function.
If Security Profiles are in place, the employee records that can be accessed are defined by Employee ID. A user may have access to an employee record, but records linked to the record through the Original ID may not be accessible.
If searching for ID number 064803 ;
ID Number | Name | Original ID Number |
064803 | Morley Rebecca |
064803 |
If searching for ID number 075810;
ID Number | Name | Original ID Number |
075810 | Morley Rebecca |
064803 |
If searching by employee name MOR*;
ID Number | Name | Original ID Number |
064803 | Morley Rebecca |
064803 |
075810 | Morley Rebecca | 064803 |
068400 | Morgan Robert | 068400 |
057682 | Morton Arthur | 057682 |
If searching for Original ID number 064803;
ID Number | Name | Original ID Number |
064803 | Morley Rebecca |
064803 |
075810 | Morley Rebecca | 064803 |

Any of the following can be used to search for an employee by using the Quick Search function:
- The Employee ID number
- The Employee Name
- The Original ID number
It is possible to set the Original ID number to be the default search using theEdit Search function
The Original ID number can be added to the Results List by using the Data Title Function.
If Security Profiles are in place, the employee records that can be accessed are defined by Employee ID. A user may have access to an employee record, but records linked to the record through the Original ID may not be accessible.
If searching for ID number 064803 ;
ID Number | Name | Original ID Number |
064803 | Morley Rebecca |
064803 |
If searching for ID number 075810;
ID Number | Name | Original ID Number |
075810 | Morley Rebecca |
064803 |
If searching by employee name MOR*;
ID Number | Name | Original ID Number |
064803 | Morley Rebecca |
064803 |
075810 | Morley Rebecca | 064803 |
068400 | Morgan Robert | 068400 |
057682 | Morton Arthur | 057682 |
If searching for Original ID number 064803;
ID Number | Name | Original ID Number |
064803 | Morley Rebecca |
064803 |
075810 | Morley Rebecca | 064803 |

When implementing the New Employee ID process, there are two types of transaction in Preceda that may not be paid immediately to the employee but held until a future payrun.
- Suspended transactions generated by time entry such as forward dated leave;
- Transactions generated by the system such as SGC payments, FID or BAD tax.
When an employee is terminated and then reinstated with a New Employee ID number or transferred to another Company with a new Employee ID number:
- All held transaction regardless of how they were generated will be paid against the original transaction ID.

The Close Year End function allows a user to specify a Delete Cut-off Date. All terminated records with a termination date prior to the Delete Cut-off date entered are deleted from the system.
When the process is run with the Program Control option TFR set to Y, the following additional rule is applied for the selection of records to be deleted:
- No employee record is deleted from the system if there are any other employee records with the same Original ID that are not being deleted.
Example: The following records exist in the database:
Year End is run with a cut off date of 30/06/XX If the standard Employee Version function is being used (Original ID not Created)
If the New Employee ID option is being used