This wizard is used to enter all the necessary information needed when hiring an employee.
- Setup Hire Rules.
- Setup Payroll Defaults and Costing Defaults.
Mandatory Information Personal - The Date of Birth field may be set as a mandatory field by setting up Field Number 16 in the Field Number window.
- During the Hire process, Program Control Option DOBVL can be set to validate the Date of Birth against a set of Hire Rules. If the date of birth is changed, the Hire Rules will not be validated.
Position - Positions. At least a minimum default position is required.
Payroll Costing - Level Codes
- Departments (optional)
- Account Numbers (optional)
- Labour Costing Codes (optional)
Classification - Employment Types
- Personnel Types
- Program Control option A440, position 34, to print the employee's Job Title on the pay slip and position 48 to print the Award Classification.
- Remuneration Groups (optional)
- Country Codes (optional)
- Organisation From(optional)
Compliance Details Optional Information Bank Leave Superannuation Self Service Users Significant Dates Optional: The field name for User Dates 1 to 7 can be changed using the Field Numbers option. The field numbers 93 to 98 represent User Dates 1 to 7. Salary Package - Allowance/Deduction codes
Associated Groups/ Certifications with Employee Certification Obtained
Rules and Guidelines
- A wizard is used to step through the Hire Process. The wizard will guide you through Mandatory and Optional windows each of which are displayed in the Navigator.
Note that when this record is Processed, the Hire Date cannot be changed.
- The Default Payroll Group and Default Costing Group fields on this screen are made available once the Program Control PODFT is set to Y. Additionally, these fields only get enabled once the or enter a Position ID has been selected and populated. If the Copy existing ID Number field has been populated, you cannot enter value in these fields as they are disabled even if PODFT is set to Y.
Field Information

Base details can be copied from either an existing ID Number or a Position ID.
Select the ID Number where information will be copied from.
- Any copied information from the various windows can be changed.
- If details are not to be copied from an exiting ID number, leave this field blank.
- You can only select and enter data in either ID Number or Position ID. If the or enter a Position ID field has been populated, this field will not be accessible.

Select the Position ID.
- Any copied information from the various windows can be changed.
- You can only select and enter data in either ID Number or Position ID. If the Copy existing ID Number field has been populated, this field will not be accessible.

This field defaults to Today's date.
You can change the employee hire date by selecting from the date picker, or manually entering the hire date.

Select from the date picker the due date of the employee's probationary period. This is the final date when the employee is under the probationary period.

If the Position ID selected has Payroll Defaults attached to it, this default information is displayed and copied to the new employee or one can be selected.
This field is only enabled if the Copy existing ID Number field is blank, and the field or enter a Position ID is populated.
This defaults to blank if the selected position does not have a value assigned for this field.

If the Position ID selected has Costing Defaults attached to it, this default information is displayed and copied to the new employee or one can be selected.
This field is only enabled if the Copy existing ID Number field is blank, and the field or enter a Position ID is populated.
This defaults to blank if the selected position does not have a value assigned for this field.
Select Next >> to continue the workflow.