Salary Codes
This screen is used to maintain Salary Codes. Having a Salary Code can be handy when you have many employees eligible for the same set of Pay Rates. Updating employee's Pay Rates can then be done at the Salary Code level instead of at the individual level. Go to Salary to understand more.

A Salary Code contains a set of Pay Rates an employee can be eligible for.
- The maximum number of Pay Rates that can be specified per a Salary Code is 60.
- The minimum number of Pay Rates that must be specified per a Salary Code is 1 (i.e. the Pay Rate to be used as the Base Pay Rate).

Salary Codes are effectively dated so you may maintain them both in advance and in arrears.
The set of Pay Rates stored against a Salary Code only takes effect (i.e. referenced for display or for calculation) As At the specified date.

When Fair Work publishes new changes to Pay Rates, it is recommended that you:
- Find the corresponding Salary Code;
- Specify the From Date when those new changes should come into effect; and
- Update the Pay Rates accordingly.
The updated Pay Rates will become effective to those employees on the Salary Codes automatically when the day occurs.
In support of Annualised Salary Reconciliation, Allowance Rates can also be specified and stored against a Salary Code, if the Salary Code is associated to an Industrial Agreement with Allowance Rate Codes. However, Allowance Rates specified per Salary Codes will only be referenced in a set of processes for our Annualised Salary clients.
- Build the list of Change Reasons to use when updating your Salary Codes.
Pay Rate Code Descriptions (Optional): Customise Pay Rate Descriptions AND/OR add more Pay Rate positions to hold Pay Rates. The configuration applies when the Salary Code is not associated with any Industrial Agreement.
Industrial Agreement Setup (Optional): Build the list of Industrial Agreements to use when creating/ updating your Salary Codes; customise the structural information for the Industrial Agreements per Modern Award Pay Guide; define the number of pay rate positions to use and customise their descriptions for the Industrial Agreements.
Rules and Guidelines
- Program Control option A440 Position 48 can be set to print the Salary Code Description on the employee's pay slip.
- Program Control option PAYRF, Position 15 has an effect on the Salary code update process, and must be completely understood.
- For every rate paid to employees, there must be a value unless the rate value on the individual's Salary window allows for overrides.
When a Salary Code is specified on Entry via Single Screen/ Retro Entry via Single Screen against any transaction per an employee that is deemed as an override (i.e. the Base Pay Rate of the Salary Code specified in those Data Entry screens will be used for Payrun Calculation instead of the one configured per the employee's Salary record, if any). However, if the Hours Type Code used for that transaction has the Pay Rate to Use field set to use additional rates (i.e. not Base Pay Rate), payrun calculation will use the Salary Code per the employee's Salary record.
When the additional rates of a Salary Code used in the payrun calculation has zero rate, the Base Pay Rate will be used for calculation instead.
When an existing Salary Code record is updated and the Hourly Rate Calculated Based On field value has been changed, a check will be performed on Save to determine if the Code is currently in use for any employee.
- General maintenance on this screen is restricted when Payroll is in Progress.
Salary Code Maintenance
- A Salary Code can start from any date and end at any date (i.e. no need to end infinity), but there can be no gaps or overlaps between slices within one Salary Code.
- A Salary Code Allowance Rate must start and end on the same dates as per an existing Salary Code slice. There can be gaps between two slices of a Salary Code Allowance Rate. There can be no overlaps between any slices of a Salary Code Allowance Rate.
- To review or maintain a Salary Code, you must select the slice first by using the Effective Dating gadget on the Toolbar. Clicking the prompt shows you all slices with the From and To dates per this Salary Code. By default, the screen displays the slice effective as at Today. In some unlikely cases when you select a Salary Code that is not effective as at Today, by default, the screen displays either the first slice if the earliest slice starts in the future, or the last slice if the last slice ended in the past.
- To update a Salary Code slice with no intention to create a new slice (e.g. you want to archive the Salary Code), click Change and ensure the From Date is adjusted to align with the original From Date of this slice. This manual adjustment is usually needed because the From Date always defaults to Today's date when you click Change upon a slice covering today.
- To update a Salary Code slice with the intention to create a new slice (e.g. you want to specify the updated pay rates per Modern Award Pay Guide change to become effective at a specific date), click Change and ensure the From Date is adjusted to the date you want for the new slice. By doing this, the system will auto calculate the End Date for the new slice and for existing slices so that no gaps or overlaps occurs as a result of the update.
- Deleting a Salary Code slice is only allowed if the slice is not the first in the set for this Salary Code. The previous slice will then be extended to cover to the original End Date of the deleted slice.
- To start the Salary Code early (i.e. you realise the From Date of your first Salary Code slice is now later than it should be), select the first slice, click Change and ensure the From Date is adjusted to the date you want. This creates a new first slice starting from the new From Date and ending one day prior to the second slice. Then you may delete the second slice so that information specified in your first slice extends to the original End Date of the second slice.
- To end the Salary Code later (i.e. you realise the End Date of your last Salary Code slice is now earlier than it should be), select the last slice, click Change, ensure the From Date is the same as the original From Date per this slice. Then adjust the To Date to the date you want. This extends this slice to cover to the specified new To Date.
- Note: If you try to update a Salary Code slice using a new From Date and a new End Date, it only creates a new Salary Code slice with the new From Date and a calculated End Date to ensure no gaps or overlaps (i.e. the new End Date you specified will be ignored).
- Deleting an incorrectly created Salary Code is only allowed if it its earliest From Date is later than Today. Before deletion, please ensure this Salary Code is not used by any future hired employees. Otherwise, those employees will have no rate to use in payrun calculation so will not be paid.
- If a Salary Code is used in any employee's Salary record and thus the employee has been paid against the Salary Code pay rates, adjusting pay rates and/or adjusting Base Pay Rate Frequency for the Salary Code will most likely affect the employee's prior pays. It is recommended to go through Retro Processing. Read Create Retro Pays, Review Retro Pay for more details.
- To obsolete a Salary Code (i.e. the Salary Code is no longer relevant for future use), select any slice per the Salary Code and archive it - the system will automatically archive all slices per this Salary Code. Archived Salary Codes will no longer appear in any prompts where effective Salary Codes can be selected. Archiving Salary Codes will not remove the Salary Code records physically so Salary History will not be affected.
Field Information

This allows you to create a new record for the Salary Code.

This saves your changes to the Salary Code.

This allows you to delete the selected record or slice.

This refreshes the screen.

When you want to create a new Salary Code with a similar structural information as an existing one (e.g. the new Salary Code is based on the same Industrial Agreement you use for an existing Salary Code), but for a different Classification, it is recommended that you use Clone instead of New.
Clone copies all information from the Salary Code slice currently displayed on the screen to a new form. It allows you to utilise the pre-populated information and only make necessary adjustments before saving it as a new Salary Code. With this said, Clone only pre-populates information on the screen and Save only saves whatever is on the screen.

This enables you to edit existing Salary Code slices.

This cancels any changes you made on the screen.

This only appears when in edit mode (i.e. once New or Change is clicked). The value in the From Date Picker defaults to today's date unless the slice selected to change ended prior to today or starts later than today.
This is always editable in edit mode.

This only appears when in edit mode (i.e. once New or Change is clicked).
In New mode, it defaults to '31/12/9999' and can be adjusted before Save.
In Change mode, it is only editable when the selected slice is the last one per the Salary Code.

The prompt holds the From and To Dates per each Salary Code slice, and Change Reason if available per the slice.

When changing existing Salary code details, a Reason Code can be selected. The Reason code is passed on to the Employee's Salary History window for each employee effected by the changes.

This field is only displayed when the user has one or more Industrial Agreement to select from.
Once a value is selected and saved successfully, the field is no longer editable.
If the field is blank, it is always editable.
To edit an existing Salary Code by associating it to an Industrial Agreement, update will be allowed when the Industrial Agreement selected has at least 8 Pay Rate ID / Descriptions. This constraint does not apply when creating new Salary Codes.

Classification Levels are displayed or not based on the configuration of the selected Industrial Agreement. If the Salary Code is not associated with any Industrial Agreement, Classification Levels will not be displayed.
The number of Classification Levels displayed is also determined by the corresponding Industrial Agreement record.

Enter a unique code of up to 10 characters that represents the Salary Code.

When ticked, the Salary Code will no longer appear anywhere for new usage (i.e. hidden from prompt lists). Existing usage will not be affected. They would still appear for review.
When unticked, the Salary Code appears for new usage.

Enter a meaningful Salary Code Description (e.g. Kitchen Hands 1st Grade). This can accommodate up to 40 characters.
When the field is blank, the system will auto populate the field with concatenation of values selected in <Classification Level 1> - <Classification Level 5> in the corresponding sequence.
Selecting a different value in <Classification Level 1-5> will auto update the concatenation until the field is manually changed.
When clearing the field and tabbing out/ clicking away, the field will be auto populated again with concatenation.
Note: Auto-generation does not apply for Mapper. Users must specify the Short Description to create a new Salary Code.

This Long Description field can accommodate up to 100 characters.
When the field is blank, the system will auto populate the field with concatenation of values selected in <Classification Level 1> - <Classification Level 5> in the corresponding sequence.
Selecting a different value in <Classification Level 1-5> will auto update the concatenation until the field is manually changed.
When clearing the field and tabbing out/ clicking away, the field will be left blank. No auto-populating happens.
Note: Auto-generation does not apply for Mapper.

Code | Description |
4 | Four Weekly |
A | Annual |
D | Daily |
F | Fortnightly |
H | Hourly |
M | Monthly |
W | Weekly |

When no value, this is populated with '0.00' by default.

A Salary Code contains a set of Pay Rates an employee can be eligible for.
- The maximum number of Pay Rates that can be specified per a Salary Code is 60.
- The minimum number of Pay Rates that must be specified per a Salary Code is 1 (i.e. the Pay Rate to be used as the Base Pay Rate).

The source of this ID depends if Industrial Agreement is relevant or not.

This is a description of the Pay Rate Code.

This is the hourly rate or calculated hourly rate of not more than '99999'.

This displays the frequency of the rate (e.g. Hourly, Monthly).

Allowance Rates browselist is displayed if there is at least one Allowance Rate Code configured per this Industrial Agreement via Industrial Agreement Setup screen / mapper. Likewise, on loading the page and no Salary Code is selected, this browselist is not displayed.
Having Allowance Rates specified per Salary Code AND applying the Salary Code to an employee's Salary record DOES NOT create Standard A/Ds for that employee. Standard A/D maintenance should still be done via Allow/Deduct screen/mapper.

This is the uniqe code of the Allowance Rate.

This is a description of the Allowance Rate Code.

This is the rate of the corresponding allowance Rate Code.