Pay Period Recalculation

This window recalculates Time records in the Time Editor after the retrospective dated changes have been made to the Pay Period and/or Daily Rules. The award interpreter is generated by this option to complete a recalculation of the hours to be paid. The recalculations is done for the whole current Pay Period.


Rules and Guidelines

  • The time records are re-calculates as new punch activity comes from the clock. Whenever an out punch is received all the time records for that employee in the current Pay Period are re-calculated.
  • This option has the same effect of accessing and re-calculating each time record individually.
  • To see any immediate changes this process is run after:-
    • making changes in the fixed and Daily Rules Profiles
    • making changes in the Roster files
    • restoring current time date for re-processing
    • other changes that would affect time calculations.
  • On completion, the altered records will be included in the Pre Post Time Report.
  • The Pay Period Recalculation process can run in either Interactive or Batch mode; however, if the 'Recalculate Prior Period' tickbox is selected, this process will only be run in Batch mode and will not be available in Interactive mode at all.
  • Only one (1) Pay Period Recalculation process can be run at any given time by either the same user or by multiple users.
  • When the process runs, the results displayed will be governed by the Users Security Profile even though the Selection Criteria allows for greater option.

  • If the process determines that there are no retro changes, then a blank report/ spoolfile is produced displaying the Retro Transaction ID Number. The system will then delete the Header record.
  • NOTE: The Retro tick-box Recalculate Prior Period is ONLY available on Retrospective Pay Period Recalculation (Activity ID: T000194).

    If you need to use this feature, you will have to enable it via ticking the Use Access for T000194 on the Preceda Access screen. This will then allow you to create Time Retro Transactions in bulk. If the Recalculate Prior Period tick-box is selected, this process will only be run in Batch mode, and will not be available in Interactive mode at all.

Field Information


Select Run Process.