PTD/YTD Allow/Deduct

This window provides details about the Allowances and Deductions paid to an employee during the financial year. The values may be included in the calculation of the year to date values shown on the YTD Gross, Tax & Net window.


Rules and Guidelines

  • The Year to Date hours are automatically maintained by the Payrun.
  • When first establishing employee data or when a system error occurs, this window is used to correct data.
  • When an employee is selected, all Year to Date and Period to Date units and values for the Allowances and Deductions linked to this employee are displayed.
  • Details of the Year to Date Allowances and Deduction values used can be viewed from the table or drilled down on the record.
  • Year to Date records for an Hours Type Code linked to an employee cannot be deleted.
  • Preceda Variable *PAYSLIP_BENEFITS controls the display of the three columns ATD Units, Amount to Date, and Opening Balancing on this screen.


Field Information

