
Recipients, when setup, represent the individual Superannuation Funds, Medical Insurer, Unions, etc. This eliminates the need for setting up separate Allow/Deduct Codes for the individual Superannuation Funds, among others. Each of these Recipients are assigned an Allowance/Deduction Type. The Type is used to group similar funds together. The Type is then assigned to an Allow/Deduction Code.

A standard Allowance/Deduction code with an attached recipient is allocated to an employee and used during the Payrun process. If a standard Allow/Deduct Code for an employee does not have a recipient attached when the Payrun is processed, the A/D code is written to the Earning History without a Recipient. The Earnings History window and the employee's standard Allow/Deduct Code will have to be updated with the correct recipient code.

For employees who need to have two super funds or two health funds, or where a user changes funds, the employees' standard Allow/Deduct window will only allow for the same Allow/Deduct code to be used once. Therefore, a separate A/D Code will have to be setup.


An employee may have medical insurance deductions for hospital cover with MBF and Gap Insurance with MBP, requiring two generic A/D Codes for medical insurance. Each of the Medical A/D code are added to the employee's Allow/Deduct window.

M1 - Medical Insurance 1 with a Recipient Code of MBF

M1 - Medical Insurance 2 with a Recipient Code of MBP

  • This will also apply to other Recipients such as Super, where an employee could have 9% of employer contribution sent to two different Super Funds e.g. 5% to AMP and 4% to ARF.



  1. Setup Allow/Deduct Types.
  2. Allocate the Allowance/Deduction Type to the corresponding Allow/Deduct Code.
  3. Setup Recipient Details.
  4. Assign the Allow/Deduct Code and Type to the employee.