Generate G/L Accruals

This window enables the user to generate accruals in Preceda.


  • Program Control option GLACC, position 14 determines the method of accruals.

Rules and Guidelines

Two methods of Accruals can be generated:

  • Accrual Method #1
    • This method allows for the selection of records by Payrun Group and the nomination of a % for accrual to be applied by Payrun Group. This process is run immediately after the Update G/L Posting PTD File process.
  • Accrual Method #2
    • This method accrues labour costs to month end, generates the relevant posting journals for the GL9000 file and setups up reversal transactions.
  • The calculation of cost accruals is based on a nominated percentage representing the remaining portion/days of the G/L month.
    If the last pay period for the month of February finished on Monday 24th, four days remain to the end of month. The formula for reaching the percentage is dependent on the posting frequency of Weekly, Fortnightly or monthly.
    The remaining days in the posting period is divided by the days in the posting period multiplied by 100.
    • Weekly posting e.g. 4/7 x 100 = 57.14%
    • Fortnightly posting e.g. 4/14 x 100 = 28.51%
    • Monthly posting e.g. 4/28 x 100 = 14.29%
  • For each GL9000 record read, an accrual record is generated and added to the GL9000.
  • A corresponding reversal is also generated and held in a temporary file GL9000R.
  • When running the Create G/L Interface option the following is performed:-
  • Coverts the transaction in the GL9000 file to the format appropriate for the General Ledger system.
  • Clears the GL9000 file.
  • Copies the reversal transactions form the temporary file GL9000R to the GL9000 file ready to be reversed in the next conversion.


Field Information

Accrual Method #1

Details for rounding differences between credits and debits


Accrual Method #2

Details for rounding differences between credits and debits.