Location Details
Location details are used to identify the physical location of an area within the organisation.
- Post Code Ranges
- Location Type (optional)
- Prevar setting *PP_UPD_CNTRY_CODE
Rules and Guidelines
- Location Details established in this option are used in the Organisation Units window.
- Location Codes are also used in the Safety module.
- The Refresh Organisation Hierarchy must be run if there are any changes made in this window.
- It is not necessary to establish codes that follow a structure as they will become redundant as soon as changes are made.
- Fields with asterisk are mandatory fields.
Field Information

This is a ten-character code that represents the location.

This is the description of the location code.

This involves details of the location including State, Postcode and Suburb/Town. All are manually maintained field.

The postal address if different from the physical address. This includes State, Suburb/Town and Postcode.
- The PO Country field is only accessible when Prevar setting *PP_UPD_CNTRY_CODE is set to Y.

The refers to the State or Region where a particular location is.

This is the postcode of the particular location.

This is the State and Postcode of an International destination.
State | Postcode |
Warwickshire (UK) | CV22 OQE |
PA (USA) | 19245 |

This refers to the country code of the physical location.

The phone number is displayed in three sections:
- Country Code (this is only accessible by setting Prevar Setting *PP_UPD_CNTRY_CODE to Y)
- Area Code (this is only accessible by setting Prevar Setting *PP_UPD_CNTRY_CODE to Y)
- Phone Number

This is also displayed in three sections:
- Country Code (this is only accessible by setting Prevar Setting *PP_UPD_CNTRY_CODE to Y)
- Area Code (this is only accessible by setting Prevar Setting *PP_UPD_CNTRY_CODE to Y)
- Fax Number

This refers to the Location Type that categorizes the physical location (i.e. Branch, Franchise, Store).

This refers to the current status of this physical location.
Option | Description |
A | Active |
I | Inactive |

This is the Trading name of this physical location.

These are comments about the location that could be used when constructing reports using Extractor.