Once the Role Codes are configured, you can proceed with configuring employee Roles - another prerequisite for paying employees against roles when needed. This is where the workforce planning truly happens.
Find the employees and specify what additional roles they would work and when. The main screen allows an easy review of available role records per employee. The drilldown allows maintenance of employee role records. Alternatively, maintain employee roles via Roles Mapper (M001768). Employee Roles are effectively dated, allowing maintenance to be in advance and in arrears of pay.
Access Profile setting
- Role Codes must be configured via the Role Codes screen/ Mapper.
Rules and Guidelines
- An employee role must have a From Date and To Date, indicating the period of this employee being able to be paid against this role. The earliest From Date cannot be prior to the employee's Hire Date (or Transfer Date if available). The latest To Date cannot be after the employee's Termination Date if available.
- Employees can only be paid against a role within the role's effective period.
- Employee's Role Position, Salary, and Costing can be maintained independently of their primary role Position, Salary, and Costing. To do this, select the corresponding Role Feature(s) first.
- An employee may have multiple different roles configured for the same or overlapping period(s).
- An employee may have the same role configured seasonally (i.e. for multiple not overlapping period/s) and there can be gaps between effective periods.
- For employees working only their primary role, there is no need to configure anything on this screen.
- Changes made to employee roles affecting their prior pay periods, e.g. the From/ To Dates, the Role Feature selection, adding or removing a role, can be picked up by Retro Pay processing for recalculation.
- This screen is unavailable for maintenance during a Payrun.
Few Use Cases
- Create an employee role: via drilldown or via Roles mapper.
- Maintain employee roles: via drilldown or via Roles mapper.
- Maintain employee role salary: via Salary screen or Pay Rates mapper (M000214).
- Maintain employee role position: via Position screen or Position mapper (M000222E).
- Maintain employee role costing / costing splits: via Costing screen or Costing mapper (M000213), Costing Split mapper (M000224).
- Review employee roles: best done via main screen with the help of Effective Dating toolbar.
- Review all employees with roles: best done via Roles Extractor.
- Delete employee roles: via drilldown or via Roles mapper.
Field Information
Main Screen Toolbar

This button allows you to add a new employee role, via the drilldown window, for the selected employee.

This button refreshes the screen with the latest record since it has been last saved.

Clicking this button opens the drilldown where you can create or maintain employee roles.
Effective Dating Toolbar

System uses this date in conjunction with the radio button selection to determine which employee roles to display for review. It is not applicable when All radio button is selected.

Date + Current shows role records per the selected employee effective as at the Date. The Date defaults to Today until changed.

Date + Future shows role records per the selected employee becoming effective after the Date. The Date defaults to Today until changed.

Date + Past shows role records per the selected employee becoming expired prior to the Date. The Date defaults to Today until changed.

Select this radio button when wanting to review all role records available per the selected employee, regardless of their effective periods. This is useful in workforce planning.
The browselist will be blank when there is no role record to display for the selected employee.

This displays the Role Code and Description selected for the employee.

Role Features are attributes that can be aggregated by Roles. There are currently three Role Features supported: Position, Salary and Costing.

When ticked, it means this employee has a role position record.

When ticked, it means this employee has a role salary record.

When ticked, it means this employee has a role costing and/or costing split record.

This displays the first day of this role record to become effective for the employee.

This displays the last day of this role record to be effective for the employee.
Drilldown Toolbar

Clicking this button closes the drilldown window back to the main screen.

This button allows you to add a new employee role for the selected employee.

This saves what is specified in the drilldown. Saving changes affecting the employee's paid periods triggers a message - "Please review the message carefully before proceeding with Save or Cancel".

This deletes the employee role record. Deleting employee role records affecting the employee's paid periods triggers a message - "Please review the message carefully before proceeding with Delete or Cancel". If the employee has been paid against the role, deletion of this role flags the employee to be eligible for Retro Pay processing. Retro Pay processing will reverse the hours paid against the role, using the role salary / costing information, and recalculate the hours, using the non-role salary / costing information.

This button refreshes the screen with the latest record since it has been last saved.

This button copies all data presented in the screen to a new form, awaiting for your adjustment before saving as a new record.

This presents the screen in a printable layout.

Since employee roles are effectively dated, this button must be clicked before maintenance is allowed. On Change, the From and To date pickers as well as Change Reason are presented.

This is available when Change is clicked.
Specify the date when you want this employee role record to become effective.
This cannot be prior to the employee's Hire Date or Transfer Date, whichever is later.

This is available when Change is clicked.
Specify the date when you want this employee role record to be effective until.
This cannot be later than the employee's Termination Date or 31/12/9999, whichever is earlier.

This is available when Change is clicked.
Specify the Change Reason if needed.

This cancels any changes made and reverts back to the original drilldown record prior to saving.

Click the prompt to review all effective periods available per this employee role record. Select a period to review information effective in that period.
Drilldown Screen

To specify an employee role, specify a valid Role Code.
When creating a new record, this gives you a prompt list for all Role Codes created via the Role Codes screen.

If the Role Position, Salary, and/or Costing should be different from the employee's primary role, select the corresponding Role Feature so that maintenance of Role Position, Salary, and/or Costing is allowed. Deselecting a previously included Role Feature physically deletes the Role Feature record per this employee.

Including Position as a Role Feature creates a role position record per this employee in the same period(s) as available in the Effective Date prompt.
Jump to the Position screen from the eye icon or go to the screen directly any time to maintain the Role Position information.
Currently, having a Role Position is primarily for recording purpose. Approval leave applications by Role Position is not yet supported.

Including Salary as a Role Feature creates a role salary record per this employee in the same period(s) as available in the Effective Date prompt.
Jump to the Salary screen from the eye icon or go to the screen directly any time to maintain the Role Salary information.
Having a Role Salary record enables the employee to be paid at the Role Salary Rate accordingly. No need to specify the rate again during data entry.

Including Costing as a Role Feature creates a role costing record per this employee in the same period(s) as available in the Effective Date prompt.
Jump to the Costing screen from the eye icon or go to the screen directly any time to maintain the Role Costing information.
Having a role costing/ costing split record enables the employee to be costed according to the Role Costing structure. No need to specify the costing information again during data entry.