Average Hours Summary
This screen provides a view of all Average Hours Rules which have been attached to employees, with a summary of the results from the latest calculation of Average Hours. Average Hours records can be attached to employees for the purpose of use in the Leave Accrual calculations, or for the calculation of Legislative Average Hours required in the payment of certain leave types.
Rules and Guidelines
This screen allows for viewing and maintaining of information related to the Average Hours calculated by the system - or maintained manually - to be used in calculations of the leave accruals or leave payments for employees.
An Average Hours Summary records can be setup by selecting an applicable Average Hours Type , applicable Average Hours Rule, and default values for other fields.
The Close Payrun process and Populate Average Hour Detail process updates the Hours Worked Since Hire and Tax Weeks Since Hire fields in in this screen.
Details of Average Hours can be recorded/viewed directly on the main screen, or by drilling down on the record.
Field Information

This prompt list contains the following Average Hours Types.
Code | Description |
V | Leave Accruals for Annual Leave |
L | Leave Accruals for Long Service Leave |
S | Leave Accruals for Sick Leave |
B-F | Leave Accruals for User Defined Types B to F |
1-9 |
Legislative Average Hours 1-9 (Reserved for planned updates to calculate leave payments using Average Hours) |
Note: The default description of Average Hours Types can be changed to your own preferred description via the Edit option on the prompt list.

This is the Average Hours rule to be used in this calculation for this employee.
Note that for existing record, this will only be read-only. Any changes will need to be done via the drilldown screen.

This displays the calculated average hours worked by the employee, according to the parameters set.
- This is updated by the average hours calculation process, and can be overridden.

This displays the total hours worked since the employee was hired and is updated during the Close Payrun process.
A record is stored only for those employees who have Average Hours Rules setup.
This information can be viewed on the Average Hours Detail window.

This displays the total number of Weeks since the employee was hired and is updated during the Close Payrun process.
A record is stored only for those employees who have Average Hours Rules setup.
- This information can be viewed on the Average Hours Detail window.

This is an editable check box field and is visible by default. If ticked, this provides the capability to suppress updating Average Work Hours, Hours Worked Since Hire, Tax Weeks Since Hire fields by the Calculate Average Hours, Close Payrun process etc. If this option is unticked, System will continue updating Average Hours Summary fields as normal.
Note: This feature recommended to select when onboarding new employees from other systems where new employee may not have adequate average hours detail records to calculate average work hours.

The date on which the Average Hours Summary record was last updated. This is a system generated read-only field.

The source of the last update to the Average Hours Summary record. This is a system generated read-only field.
Available Source options:
Options |
Additionally, new capability has been introduced to record Average Hours Summary change history before updating the Average Hours Summary record. This historical information is available via Extractor.

This field displays the average hours Calculated From Date used by the calculation process to calculate Average Work Hours for the corresponding average hours summary record. This field value is only visible when Last Updated Source is CALC AVG Hours. This is an optional field. This is not displayed by default and can be manually added via Columns.

This field displays average hours Calculated To Date used by the calculation process to calculate Average Work Hours for the corresponding average hours summary record. This is not displayed by default and can be manually added via Columns.

The User Profile who performed the last update to the Average Hours Summary record.
Drill-down window options
The drilldown screen supports all operations such as view, add, edit, delete Average Hours Summary records. Furthermore, you could see additional information related to Average Hours Rule.
Here are additional fields that can be maintained via this drill-down. Details entered here will override the values defined on the Average Hours Rules window.
- Once the Classification and Average Hours fields have been set, the fields at the lower section of this window will be automatically populated with the default values from the Average Hours Rules.
- Nonetheless, the user may opt to change any values as necessary, which the system will accept when saved.

This refers to the number of periods as defined in the Period Type field that are used to calculate the average weekly worked hours and specifies the units of measure.
- An entry of zero will average worked hours over the lifetime of the employee.

This is used in conjunction with the Period to Average and Periods Offset from Paid Up to Date fields. It specifies the unit of measure in that field.
Code | Description |
F | Fortnightly |
M | Monthly |
O | Over the Lifetime |
W | Weekly |
Y | Yearly |

Identify if the periods where no pay was generated in the calculation of average weekly worked hours are to be included or not.

This refers to the number of Pay Periods to be deducted before calculating the average period to end prior to an employee paid up to date, as set in the Period Type field.

Up to 12 Hours Types can be selected to include or exclude based on the Excl/Incl Hours Types field. These hours codes are used as well as the Hours Types codes that have the Include in Worked Hours for Leave Accruals flag set to Y.

Identify if the Hours Types code will be included or excluded in the calculation of the average weekly worked hours.

Identify if the Prepayments and Rebanks will be included in the calculations or not.
Code | Description |
B | Both Include
Include both Prepayments and Rebanks in the calculations. |
N | Neither Include
Do not include either Prepayments or Rebanks in the calculations. |
P | Prepayments Only
Include only Prepayments in the calculations. |
R | Rebanks Only
Include only Rebanks in the calculations. |
Average Hours History
This feature provides quick visibility to Average Hours Summary History.
When the button is clicked, this screen will display the change history records created by manual changes and system updates. System applies a smart filter to display all manual changes as the default option. Standard filter options and pagination options are also available in this screen.
There are two modes of operating this screen:
Mode 1: If you select an Average Hours Summary record and click on history button, system will display the history records related to the selected Average Hours Type, and the latest records in the top order.
Mode 2: If you do not select a specific Average Hours Summary record and click on the history button, then system displays history records related to all Average Hours Types of the selected employee, and the latest history records in the top order.

This field displays the Average Hours Type.

This displays the Average Hours Rule used in the calculation for this employee.

This displays the total hours worked since the employee was hired and is updated during the Close Payrun process.

This displays the total number of Weeks since the employee was hired and is updated during the Close Payrun process.

This is a tick box field that displays the suppress capability. If ticked, this provides the capability to suppress updating Average Work Hours, Hours Worked Since Hire, Tax Weeks Since Hire fields by the Calculate Average Hours, Close Payrun process etc. If this option is unticked, System will continue updating Average Hours Summary fields as normal.

This field displays the Calculated From Date used by the calculation process to calculate Average Work Hours for the corresponding average hours summary record. This is a read only filed populated by Calculate Average Hours process.

This field displays Calculated To Date used by the calculation process to calculate Average Work Hours for the corresponding average hours summary record. This is a read only filed populated by Calculate Average Hours process.

This field displays total worked hours used to calculate corresponding average worked hours

This field displays total tax weeks used to calculate corresponding average worked hours.

The date on which the Average Hours Summary record was last updated. This is a system generated read-only field.

The time on which the Average Hours Summary record was last updated. This is a system generated read-only field.

This field displays the User Profile who performed the last update to the Average Hours Summary record. This is a system generated read-only field.

The source of the last update to the Average Hours Summary record. This is a system generated read-only field.
Average Hours Enquiry
This feature helps to make an ad hoc enquiry of an employee Average Worked Hours for a selected average hours summary record.
When the button is clicked, this screen will display calculated Average Hours information as at current date with Employee Details and Average Hours Rule.
Print Preview option can be used to print this information.
Note: Current version does not support enquiries for terminated employees, and an employee who does not yet have a Paid up to Date

This section displays the selected employee details.

Displays the ID Number of the employee.

Displays the Status of the employee.

Displays the Pay Frequency of the employee.

Displays the Employment Type of the employee.

Displays the Paid Up To Date of the employee.

Displays the Pay Method of the employee.

Displays the Base Hours of the employee.

This section displays the calculated Average Worked Hours and other useful information related to the calculated average worked hours.

Displays the calculated Average Worked Hours of the employee.

Displays the Average Hours Rule used for the employee.

Displays the total worked hours used for calculating Average Work Hours for the applicable period determined via Average Hours Rule.

Displays the total tax weeks used for calculating Average Work Hours for the applicable period determined via Average Hours Rule.

Displays the date from when the employee's Average Hours has been calculated.

Displays the date up to when the employee's Average Hours has been calculated.

This section Displays the Average Hours Rule details used to calculate Average Work Hours.

Display the corresponding Average Hours Rule Code and Description

Displays the Periods to be averaged.

Shows the Period Type used to calculate the employee's Average Hours.

Shows if the employee has selected include or exclude Periods with Zero Hours in the calculation of Average Hours.

Shows the Periods Offset from paid up to date information.