
There are four types of employee Rostering provided in the system and each employee can be assigned to one or more of them through a single Roster Code. The roster code identifies a Primary Roster, a Standard Roster or a Generic Roster or a combination of the three. If an employee is not assigned a Rostering code, it implies that their payable time can be determined without any reference to rostered times.

When an employee punches in, and if they are not assigned a roster code, or the system does not find a Primary, Standard or Generic Roster for that employee for that day to link to the punch, the employee is considered to be unscheduled. The system will apply unscheduled rounding rules that are setup in the Daily Rules profile.

Schedule Determination

When an employee punches in, Preceda determines the roster that best fits by the following process:-

  1. Looks for a Primary Roster
  2. If a Primary Roster is not found, it looks for a Standard Roster
  3. If the system does not find a Primary or Standard Roster, it looks for a Generic Roster.
  4. If none of these three rosters are found, the employee is considered to be unscheduled.


Roster Design and Definition

 The design of a strategy to manage rosters may be quite complex. The goal should be to have sufficient rosters to meet the business need. This need is driven by the number of different Generic rosters and Standard rosters and the desire to group employees through a common roster code. The three character Roster code value may have embedded meaning to users or it may be any combination of alphanumeric values. The description should describe the attributes of the standard or generic schedule or grouping of employees.

Schedule Margins and minutes to associate for each Roster Code created must be defined. These fields are used only for Primary or Standard Rosters to determine if the punch is a Rostered punch and, if so, to which Roster to assign the punch. They also help in determining if it is an In or Out punch. This punch determination will in turn drive which rounding rules will be applied to the punch.

For each Primary Roster the user also has the ability to create their own six stored rosters identifying default shift times. The purpose of this functionality is to reduce the effort when creating or maintaining employee Rosters.