Time Card Print

This window prepares the data entered in the Entry window for Payrun Processing, runs validation and edit procedures to check data, and generates edit reports that detail any errors found.


  • Payrun Header must be set first.

Rules and Guidelines

  • The Edit process can be run as many times as necessary to ensure that all is correct before proceeding.
  • If any Time Details are altered after the calculate Payrun stage, without doing a Reset of the Payrun, the changes are not reflected in the Edit Reports.
  • A message is generated by Preceda advising that the Audit Reports are a reprint only.
  • A message will be displayed if a backup has not been taken.
  • Any errors found in any of the produced reports should be corrected in Time Entry and this process re-run.

Field Information

  • There are no parameters for this window.


Select Run Process to submit job PPMA037 to be processed.