About the Knowledge Base

This Knowledge Base is designed to be used within Preceda. The [F1] key or the Help > Content button opens online information about the Preceda Module you are currently in. Each topic outlines (a) the purpose of the topic, (b) any prerequisites that are required before the module can be used, (c) the rules and guidelines that the user should know before using the module, and (d) individual field information.

Other areas of Preceda can be accessed directly from the Knowledge Base using the Table of Contents (TOC) provided on the left side of the screen.

The TOC covers the following:

  • How to Use Online Help
    This provides information on how to use Help, what help is available, the search option, the Knowledge Base Template, and a lot more.
  • Getting Around Preceda
    This area explains various Toolbar Options, Themes, Navigator, My To Do List, etc.
  • General Information about Preceda Topics
    This provides general topic information such as Superannuation, Leave Accruals, Year End, Classifications, etc.
  • Preceda Modules
    This provides information about all the available windows within Preceda.
  • Reporting Tools
    This gives information about Extractor and Report Manager.
  • Mapper and Connector
    This provides information on how Mapper and Connector are used as well as the file layouts and Reference Import Tables.
  • Program Control Options
    This outlines all the available Program Control Options and how they are used.
  • Logging Support Cases
    This provides information on how to log in to My Support to log a case and view open/closed cases. The information provided is accessed by the Support Team to assist in resolving cases.
  • What's New
    This provides a complete list of new features and corrections made to the current version of Preceda.