About Report Manager

Report Manager is a tool designed to provide automation in the processing and distribution of report output. The following options are available:

  • Report Manager may be used to distribute reports that have been created by other processes. This option is performed through the Console.
  • Reports may be grouped as a process or run individually. When grouped as a process they are known as Report Packages. The idea of a Report Package is to group together a series of reports that can be run as a single job, which may be scheduled to run at a convenient time.
  • Report Packages can be created and saved for future use.
  • Reports may be split for distribution using filters which select a section of the report using entered parameters. Report Manager will split the spool file into individual spool files using the parameters given.
  • Reports may be distributed as spool files or converted to PDFs.
  • Reports may be distributed to individual 'subscribers'. The subscribers can access these reports either as a spoolfile on an output queue or as a PDF file through a URL or similar set up.