Monitor Submitted Extracts

Extractor allows you to monitor and cancel submitted Extracts which are either currently running or which are submitted to run.  Note: Your job will not appear in the console until the scheduled date and time have been reached.


  1. Select the Console icon from the Extractor toolbar.
  1. Select the Jobs icon from the Console toolbar.


Once the status of your job changes to Ready you can view your submitted Extract output using the DataFiles icon.


Delete a Scheduled Extract

  1. Select the Console icon from the Extractor toolbar.
  1. Select the Jobs icon from the Console toolbar.
  2. Highlight the Extract and select the Delete key / icon.


Delete an Extract in Progress

If you delete an extract in progress, you must also delete the output file from the Data Files section.

  1. Select the Console icon from the Extractor toolbar.
  1. Select the Data Files icon from the toolbar.
  2. Highlight the extract and select the Delete button.


  • View submitted Extract output