How to Synchronise your Crystal Report and Extract Definitions

If you have changed your Extract definition since creating your Crystal report, they will need to be synchronised.

Follow the steps below.

  1. In the Crystal Reports Viewer window, select the Design Report button, and wait while the report is loaded
  2. When the Report is loaded, Select Database from the pull-down menu and then select Verify Database.
  3. Select Yes to complete the synchronise process.
  4. The top left window contains the fields in the report which are not contained in the Extract.

    The top right window contains the field in the extract which are not contained in the report. The two bottom corners display the fields which are common to the report and the extract.

    If you recognise that a fields in the top left window matches a field in the top right window, highlight the two and use the Map button. The two fields will be matched and transferred to the lower half of the window.

    Select OK when complete

  5. A dialogue box will display to allow you to map the fields within the database and the report.
  6. The table fields available from the field picker should now reflect those in your extract.