Create Daily Rule

The Create Daily rule is a setup Wizard that builds the fundamental components of the award interpreter rules to be used for a group of employees on a daily basis. These rules are established to enable the Time Rounding, the Overtime Requirements and Meal Breaks, which calculate the correct hours to be paid for each employee each day.


Rules and Guidelines

  • Rules are configured by a Consultant and any changes should be discussed with them in the first instance.
  • A formal training course must be completed before attempting to change any rules.
  • Any changes may have a significant impact on the hours paid to employees.
  • These rules can either be created from a blank template or can be copied from an existing rule.


Select Start Wizard

Field Information

Rounding Rules window

Daily Overtime Specifications window

Minimum Hours and Unscheduled Days window

Automatic Meals and Breaks window

Meals/Breaks if Punching window


Select Next >>.

Select Next >>

Select Next >>

Select Next >>

Select Finish.