Post Times

This Wizard processes any approved unposted time date at the end of each Pay Period. This process will:

  • Move the selected data into the History files and prepare the data for export to the Payroll and,
  • Re-set the files for use in the next Pay Period and provides a report listing details of the records that were posted. This report is the same as the Pre Post Times report.

The posting process flags selected records as posted and:

  • Clears the time posting files and adds the records being posted to a file where the data can be exported.
  • Rolls Pay Period dates in the Pay Period Rules file forward.
  • Rolls the date in the premium file forward and any primary rosters forward.
  • Recalculates any time not posted, such as time out of current pay period for the new current pay period.


  • Ensure that the Pre Post Time Report has been run and checked.
  • Ensure that all transactions have been approved at the correct security levels and all exceptions reviewed.

Rules and Guidelines

  • This process will roll forward the Pay Period dates on all Pay Period Rules applicable to the employees that were selected. When selecting only a portion of the employees assigned a rule for posting and then selecting other employees assigned to the same rule the system will roll the pay periods rules forward resulting in that rule being rolled forward twice.
  • If the above has happened prior to selecting the second group, manually reset the pay periods on the rule before posting the second group. If the pay periods are not reset the records for the new current pay period will be posted prematurely and the old current pay period records will not be posted.
  • If Pay Environments are used that include restricted access to Pay Frequencies, the report should be checked thoroughly to ensure that the Pay Frequency selected is correct.
  • At the completion of the posting process, the system produces a report showing hours in all Pay Categories, such as REG, OT, VAC etc. for each employee for the Pay Period.
  • The Time Editor History window is used to view records after the posting process.
  • The Post Times is produced using a Wizard, and is processed in 2 parts. 
  • You can only run the report to Batch. The Interactive option not allowed. Press F2 to go to Console for the report.

  • Ensure that the Post Times has completed before starting the Export to Payroll.

  • Select Start Wizard.

Field Information