Backup Parameters

This window is used to define the backup requirements for backups performed throughout Preceda.


  • No prerequisites

Rules and Guidelines

  • Two options should be considered when defining backup requirements:-
  • Backup directly to a device, normally a tape.
    Depending on the amount of information to be saved, this could be considered a slow process.
    This is the recommended option for companies who do not have expert system operators and backup procedures.
  • Backup the save files.savefiles
    This option involves the saving of information to another place on the main storage.
    It is quicker than the Backup directly to a device option, and is particularly suitable for Payrun backups, as recovery is quick.
    Savefiles can be saved to a device at a later stage, such as during normal daily backup.
    If these files are not saved to a device, they remain vulnerable to a disk crash or operator error.
  • Although Preceda provides the facility to backup data to savefiles, it does not have the option to backup those savefiles to tape or disk. To do this use the normal mainframe backup facility. It is the responsibility of your company to carry out this task.
  • There are four types of backups defined on this window, each one used in a different place in Preceda.

Field Information