Preceda Variables

This window contains the Preceda system values. The values in this file are established when your system is setup and may be changed with a consultation.

The table lists Preceda Variables (PREVAR) settings, positions, options, and descriptions that provide a method for controlling Preceda processes.


  • No prerequisites

Rules and Guidelines

  • The window can only be viewed for OnDemand clients. Changes are not allowed.
  • The values held are for items such as Company Name, Lansa Partition Name, Salary Grade Rules for min, max and mid salary ranges, etc.
  • When changes and additions are made to the file, there is no validation. Ensure that you count the position very carefully and check the results before allowing users access to the function.
  • Although some of the settings show that they may be maintained by the client, they will be initially set with the help of a consultant. Once set, they should not be altered without discussion with a consultant.

Update Settings

To update the settings, Sign in to the System and on a command line, enter: UPDDTA PRECEDAFxx/PREVAR

(Where PRECEDAFxx is the name of your Preceda database library), press Enter.

The settings are listed in alphabetic order, use the <Page Up> and <Page Down> keys to scroll through the options.

Table Legend

Code Description
<> Anything between these brackets is a variable and is replaced to reflect the client's environment
  Items in bold are the default settings placed on your system on installation
I Internal application variables (variables maintained by application developers)
E Environment variables
C Client Preferences (client maintainable variable)
italics a description of the purpose of the setting is in italics

For ease of use, the table is divided into the settings which control the different modules and functions in Preceda. Some of the settings (*WEBHOSTNAME, for example) are used by more than one function in Preceda.

Prevar Options