Time Approval Settings

This window is used to indicate the level of approval assigned to a user and identifies if a user is able to modify time that has already been approved at a higher level. It is used when approving Time transactions in Time Editor or through the Group Approval process in Daily Processing.


  • Preceda Time setup

Rules and Guidelines

  • It is possible to have approval levels 0 through 9, so that punches can be approved by one user but still not meet the required Timer code approval level.
  • In order for a time record to be processed during the Past Times in Pay Period Processing, the time record must be approved to a level at or exceeding the approval level assigned to the Time Code.
  • For time transactions to post successfully, it is important to understand the relationship of approval levels of users and approval levels of time codes.
  1. Make sure that the level of approval for the user's Security Profile is at the same level or higher than the levels of approval for the time codes, e.g. a supervisor with a level 1 approval cannot successfully approve a time transaction that has a Time code of a higher level, such as 2 or 3 attached to it.
  2. If users are setup to have multiple levels of approval, be sure to coordinate approval and notify the next user when you have approved your level. If they are not notified the system currently allows the lower level user to approve a time transaction with a time code of higher level, but the time does not post until another user with a higher level of approval approves the time.

Field Information