ATO File History

The ATO File History screen stores the ATO Files (PSAR) generated after running the Year End Finalisation and Create Amended Payment Summary File as separate records for every run.

You can download the files using the Download File button in order to save a copy on your local machine.


  • There is no prerequisite in using this screen.

Rules or Guidelines

  • This screen now holds the actual ATO Files (PSAR) that need to be downloaded. These files will no longer be available on the Download ATO Payment Summary File screen as this screen has been deprecated.
  • The files are accessible on this screen for users who have Security permission or download privileges to this screen.
  •  You can download the files using the Download File button in order to save a copy on your local machine. You can then manually upload this to the ATO Customer Portal.
    • If you have Use access to the Download ATO Payment Summary File and this screen, then you will have access to the download button. If you do not have access to this screen, you need to be given access first so you can click on the download button.

    • If you do not have Use access to the Download ATO Payment Summary File, but do have access to this screen, then you will continue to have access to this screen but no access to click on the download button.

    • If you do not have Use access to the Download ATO Payment Summary File and do not have access to this screen, then you will continue to have no access to these two screens.

Field Information