Position Position Description Default Options/Value
1 Password and Secret Answer Encryption   Controls storage of SelfService passwords and Secret Answer in Preceda
  1 - Off
2 - On
2-3 Password Minimum Length   The minimum number of characters for a password
  10 - Maximum Length
4-5 Password Maximum Length   The maximum number of characters for a password
  10 - Maximum Length
6 Password Validation Check   The required format for a password
blank - 0 any combination
  N - numeric characters only
  A - alpha characters only
  B - both alpha and numeric required
7-9 Days before password expires   This refers to the number of days before the ESS password expires. Preceda will calculate the date and it will be displayed on the Define User's window.
000 - this check is not performed
  999- Maximum
10-13 Days before password can be re-used   The number of days which must elapse before a password can be re-used
000 - this check is not performed
  999- Maximum
14-15 Number of password changes before re-use is allowed   The number of times a password must be changed before it may be re-used
000 - this check is not performed
16-17 Password Warning in Self Service   A value form 00-99
03 = give warning 3 days before expiry
00 = no password warning is given


This Setting can only be maintained by the Support Team. For inquiries or assistance, please contact Support.