Prevar - *PP_STPPHASE2

This Prevar enables the activation of Single Touch Payroll Phase 2.

Note that STP Phase 2 cannot be activated if STP Phase 1 is not yet activated. *PP_STPSTATUS is the PREVAR for STP Phase 1.

Position Position Description Default Status Code Description Phase 2 STP Reporting Phase 1 STP Reporting
1 STP Phase 2 Status   N Ready for Activation No Yes
D Deferral in place No Yes
  A Activated Yes No
  X Deactivated No Yes
2 STP Phase 2 - Enable Income Stream Types IAA and CHP (blank) Disable Inbound Assignees to Australia (IAA) and Closely Held Payees (CHP) No No
  Y Enable Inbound Assignees to Australia (IAA) and Closely Held Payees (CHP) Yes No