SGC Processing

Scenario 1

  • Use the SGC processing window to calculate the shortfall transactions for a selected period with no posting to the next payrun.

Scenario 2

  • Use the SGC processing window that calculates the shortfall transactions for a selected period and posts them into the next payrun.

Scenario 3

  • Use the SGC processing window to calculate shortfall transactions for a selected period.
  • Use the SGC Shortfalls window to generate shortfall amounts and process them as prepayments.
  • Use the SGC Master Update window to directly update the employee files with shortfall amounts.


What happens after the processing?

  • When a payrun is processed, the details of Super contributions are updated into the Earnings History file.
  • When a Pay Close is run, the details relating to SGC Payments are updated to the Super Details History file.
  • The Super Payments Enquiry window is used to show details of all notifications made.
  • Year to Date (financial year) figures are reset at Year End.
  • Total to Date is the total of contributions for the entire employment period stored in Contract to Date of the relevant Employee YTD Allowance/Deductions options and is not cleared.