How Superannuation Guarantee Contributions (SGC) is Calculated

  • The Superannuation Guarantee Contribution is calculated based on the individual employee's base earnings. The charge percentages are applied to how much each employee earns.
  • There is a difference in the interpretation of the SGC criteria in terms of whether earnings to make up the $450 monthly minimum should include all Salary and Wages or whether an employee's Ordinary Time Earnings should be used.
  • To allow clients a choice, the dollar value of Superannuation Guarantee earnings in Preceda may be calculated by two methods. The method used is dependent on Program Control PAY29 to be configured correctly and the entry of data into the SGC OTE and SGC S&W options.
  • The calculation of Super Guarantee is based on the age of the employee and the amount earned during a month and are setup in the SGC Rules option.
  • The minimum age for payment of Super Guarantee is 18, unless the employee earns more than $450 for the month and works for more than 30 hours for any week.