ATO Requirements

The ATO are relaxing their requirements when using the ECI to send the Tax File Number Declaration file (TFNDEC) and/or the payment Summary PSARXXXX file. The process will produce Warning Messages but will still be accepted.

The ATO will not accept electronic data unless it complies with their requirements.

Reporting of Name Fields

Valid Values Description
A to Z Alpha characters from capital A to capital Z
0 to 9 Numbers from zero to nine
( ) Open and closed rounded brackets


/ Forward Slash
' Apostrophe
" Exclamation Marks
- Hyphen
. Full Stop
  • Where name fields are mandatory they must not contain a blank at the beginning of the field or two spaces between words.


Reporting of Address Fields

Valid Values Description
A to Z Alpha characters from capital A to capital Z
0 to 9 Numbers from zero to nine
( ) Open and closed rounded brackets
& Ampersand
/ Forward Slash
' Apostrophe
" Exclamation Marks
- Hyphen
  • A full stop is not permitted in address fields.
  • Where address fields are mandatory, they must not contain a blank at the beginning of the field or contain two spaces between words.
  • Any error will be reported at the end of the financial year when the Payment Summaries are run.