Leave Accrual Dates

There are a number of dates used when calculating leave accruals, including:

Hire Date

 It is the date an employee commences the current period of employment with your organisation. This is defined for each employee using the Significant Dates window and is the default date that is used when leave accruals are calculated.

The Hire Date can also be used as the anniversary date when leave entitlements become available. If you do not want to use the Hire Date for this purpose, the Adjusted Service Date or one of the User Dates can be used.

Adjusted Service Date

The Adjusted Service Date can be used as an alternative to the Hire Date (e.g. the employee may have started as a casual employee and then became permanent). Leave can only be accrued from the time the employee became permanent. The Adjusted Service Date is specified in the relevant employee's Significant Dates window.

User Dates 2, 3 or 4

User Dates can be used as an alternative to the Adjusted Service Date. User Dates are specified in the relevant employee's Significant Date window.

Accrued to Date

 It is the date up to which leave accruals have been calculated as specified in each employee's Leave Entitlements window. It is updated automatically each time you run the Calculate Leave Accruals process.

When adding a new employee or setting up Preceda for the first time, the Accrued to Date defaults to the Hire Date or Adjusted Service Date. The only time an Accrued to Date is entered manually is when accruals begin from a date other than the Hire Date or Adjusted Service Date.

Entitlement Date

An alternative anniversary date when accrued leave is added to employee's net entitlement. If Leave Entitlements are issued on a particular day each year the Entitlement Date is specified in the Leave Accrual Methods window.


  • The Hire Date, Adjusted Service Date or User Date specified on the employee records is used as the anniversary date.