Defining Leave Accrual Methods

Leave Accrual Methods are the rules that define how an employee's leave is accumulated. In order to use this feature, the following are needed:

  • Accrual Method steps, defining the amount of leave to accrue for each period of service, need to be defined.
  • For each step, the amount of time an employee must work before gaining entitlements to accrue leave needs to be defined.
  • If leave is to be accrued based on the employee's base hours, actual worked hours or average weekly worked hours over a nominated period needs to be specified.
  • The user needs to specify whether or not the accrual method involves With or Without certificate accrual, e.g. Sick Leave.
  • Theoretical standard weekly base hours.
  • A theoretical number of hours over which leave is proportioned each week should be nominated. It provides a means of covering all employees' base hours.


 If employees are grouped based on different weekly base hours, such as 37.5 hours, 38 hours, and 40 hours, you can either:

  • Establish a separate accrual method for each leave type and base hours combination.
  • Define the standard hours representing a theoretical weekly base hours of 40 hours. This takes the Base Hours on the employee's record and divides it by the Base Hours on the Accrual Code.